And if I don't like water......?

feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
I know water is good for you. I try to drink it. I can't take that much without at least adding some sugar free flavoring to it. But I've also become accustomed to drinking a bottle of pop at work-need it to keep me going (not a coffee drinker). I'm working on the 8 glasses a day and I'm wondering, can I count my pop as part of water? Like 1/2 of my pop can count as water? lol. I know it's not great for you, but it is what it is. zero calories....


  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Are you serious? :indifferent:
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    I wasnt a water drinker but I now drink a lot of the low cal flavoured water. Im in the UK and I buy Tescos; the one that is sugar free and I love it...
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its mostly made of water, so is coffee, so is a lot of the food we eat too.
  • schlubba
    schlubba Posts: 26
    Are you serious? :indifferent:

    I have the same reply with an added wtf?
    how can someone not choke down water?

    If you truly are serious, I say definitely work on liking it and try something else to get your water besides pop, the diet pop is worse for you than regular pop. Try vitamin water or even gatorade or powerade or something.
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    As long as you're drinking around the same amount in the sugar free drink I wouldn't worry about your water consumption too much. I'd log the drinks in your diary though rather than the water bit. I know a lot of people that don't bother about the water thing.

    Your water intake of 2 litres a day is more a guide for how much fluid you should be consuming so the water content in tea and juice drinks count as well.

    I used to be like you and hate water by itself. I started drinking the lightly flavoured waters as an alternative then gradually started drinking water by itself. I think the main change for me drinking water was when I was at the gym I just started chugging the stuff down. Start with mineral water that has a nicer taste then tap water then work onto filtered water then onto tap water.
  • lyllyan
    lyllyan Posts: 3
    I would think that you would not be able to count it in your "water" column, due to the sugars and such. I don't like water either, but do make up for it but drinking unsweet tea or Crystal lite or such. So, those drinks can be classified, in my opinion, as water, because that is the general makeup - although you should count the few calories due to the flavoring. One thing I have found that helps quite a bit is to use crushed ice whenever possible. I could eat that stuff by the boatload, and it's is a different way to consume your needed water. A recent study did say that pure water was not necessary, as you do get water in other forms (ie:soda) - but in the strictest diet sense, count your cola for what it is, a sugary drink fraught with calories. Hope this helps :)
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    No, soda doesn't count as water. It actually dehydrates you, unlike water, which hydrates you. If you count it, you'll only be fooling yourself.

    I used to hate water. I still don't love it. I struggle to get in even half the recommended amount per day. But I've cut out all other liquids. I keep a bottle of water near me at all times. If I get bored, I take a sip. If I'm hungry, I take a sip. If I see the water bottle, I take a sip. I drink nothing else with meals. It is still a struggle, but it definitely helps. I used to get headaches all the time. Now, I rarely do, and I feel one coming on, I know right away that I haven't had enough to drink that day.

    If you need the flavor, try some different kinds of tea. You can add a little bit of honey or sugar at first if you need to sweeten it up. Some teas I still do; some, I don't need to anymore. I particularly love loose leaf teas- I buy mine at the Tea Spot ( They have some great flavors and need very little sweetening, if any, to make it taste delicious!
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    Pop soda with or without sugar, [even coffee] has caffeine which is a diuretic i.e. it makes you pee more. So one loses more water. So rather than counting it as water, you should drink more water to compensate for the loss.
  • Terriwin
    Terriwin Posts: 46 Member
    I add Ecodrink to my water. It is full of great vitamins and it adds a nice mild flavor to satisfy my sweet cravings. I buy it from Costco and usually samples of it are available there. Maybe you can give it a try.
  • pssqrd
    pssqrd Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the same way about water. It goes down much better & faster if flavored with herbal tea (made from anything but the tea plant), or a small splash of fruit juice or a squeeze of lemon, orange or lime. I don't use any added sugar or artificial sweeteners. I don't think it is necessary or good for me.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    I have the same reply with an added wtf?
    how can someone not choke down water?

    quite easy, my water smells and tastes like the swimming baths...I can't afford bottled water or a filter on the tap and have no fridge space for the jug things I drink NO water. As for "are you serious" and "WTF" they're hardly helpful and supportive are they, especially when its someones first post.

    Back to the OP, there are studies that say that if you regularly drink a X amount of coffee/tea/cola that your body gets used to the diuretic effect and its almost totally negated. So if you usually drink a litre of cola then you can count that, anything over your usual amount should not be counted. Water is a diuretic too BTW. There was a time i drank nothing but caffeinated coffee and cola...for several years and I was NOT dehydrated. (or overweight!) I have switched to decaf as I've become very sensitive to it since being hit with a health problem, and suffer severe palpitations if I have caffeine now.

    Obviously water is better but if you really cannot stand the stuff then any none alcoholic fluid is better than no fluid at all
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I love water but I can't physically drink 8 glasses of it as I am on the toilet enough as it is and don't know why.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I struggled at first, but I feel so much better after sticking to 8 cups a day, I can totally tell the difference in the way my body feels when its fully hydrated.
    And how on earth can you hate water? it doesn't taste of ANYTHING! lol XD
  • sineadgrowden
    sineadgrowden Posts: 134
    hay i no what u mean!
    its so hard only thing that makes is easy 2 drink for me is ice cold and a slice of lemon
    good luck :happy:
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    You cant afford bottled water or a filter, but you drink a soda a day? How about saving your soda money and at the end of the month, buy a water filter?
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    For those who have unsafe/unpleasant tap water, you can always boil it...
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    You cant afford bottled water or a filter, but you drink a soda a day? How about saving your soda money and at the end of the month, buy a water filter?

    The original poster said nothing about not affording a filter or bottled water, it was me that said that, when I was drinking soda (not every day I hasten to add!) I could have saved but that was a while ago, health changes bought about financial changes too.
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117

    I have the same reply with an added wtf?
    how can someone not choke down water?

    As for "are you serious" and "WTF" they're hardly helpful and supportive are they, especially when its someones first post.

    I so strongly agree with this...we are on this site to be here to support each other's changes, even if they are slow changes or changes we ourselves never went through. It never fails to amaze me when people on a help site are so quick to judge and critique each other. If one doesn't feel like being supportive they could always use the site's main tools without the "community" section, including the forums. How can one expect to get support where they don't plan on giving any?

    Let's all love one another! :flowerforyou:
  • betharose7
    betharose7 Posts: 53 Member
    Hear hear meggiemaye!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member

    I have the same reply with an added wtf?
    how can someone not choke down water?

    As for "are you serious" and "WTF" they're hardly helpful and supportive are they, especially when its someones first post.

    I so strongly agree with this...we are on this site to be here to support each other's changes, even if they are slow changes or changes we ourselves never went through. It never fails to amaze me when people on a help site are so quick to judge and critique each other. If one doesn't feel like being supportive they could always use the site's main tools without the "community" section, including the forums. How can one expect to get support where they don't plan on giving any?

    Let's all love one another! :flowerforyou:

    Agreed and I love your signature that is so cool