Weight Loss Without Exercise?

Hey Guys,

I have dysplasia in my left hip and so am unable to move it much at all. This seriously limits my exercise as you can probably imagine which is what has caused me to gain over 2 stone in a year and a half (and comfort eating)

Putting the weight on has caused me to have stretch marks on my thighs and hips, (see my photos - I'm not sure how to post them in a topic) can anyone tell me if these disappear once you lose the weight? And do any products help to reduce these? I will feel very uncomfortable in a bikini if I can't get rid of them :(
I used to fit into the bikini bottoms so I've squeezed them on as reference to the weight I've put on.

I've decided to stop the comfort eating and in doing so have lost 6lbs in two weeks but I'm starting to worry about whether I will be able to have a toned body because of not being able to exercise. Will my body be "loose" if I don't tone up?

I was wondering if anyone else on here is unable to exercise for medical reasons but has successfully managed to lose a good amount of weight and looks toned?
Are there any exercises I can do to help my stomach that doesn't involve moving my hip joint? :s

Would love some advice. Thanks.


  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    I don't know how severe your problem is, but I tore the ACL in both of my knees and have just worked to find routines that don't bother my knees (and some that do, with braces and in moderation because they're fun and I'm an idiot). Perhaps a chat with a personal trainer or physical therapist is a good idea for you, and that way you can discover exercises that won't aggravate your ailment. As for the stretch marks... they go away eventually, but not because of weight loss. It's techincally scar tissue. Steroid creams are really the only thing that work and require a prescription in most places.... Good luck!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    toned is an evil word made up and directed towards women. toned is muscle definition. to get that you need muscles..to gain muscles you need to lift heavy weights..to see those muscles you need to lose fat.

    if you are not moving your body your muscles are wasting, and there is no way you will have any definition..no muscles means no definition. you've seen these skrawny nasty model types they are all bones..thats what you'd look like if you only lost fat and not build muscle.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    get an appointment with a physiotherapist -they can advise you on exercises that suit you personally.

    regarding stretchmarks-the colour will fade with time to a silvery shade but apart from that, they are with you forever! try not to worry as almost all human beings have stretch marks somewhere on their body
  • waterbabeAD
    waterbabeAD Posts: 73
    sorry to ehar about your condition. I am unfamilar with your specific condition but my mother had hip joint issues for over 40 years - she did a combination of swimming and hydrotherapy exercise almost daily - all designed by her physio. I agree that you should ask a physio. You may also ask her about any upper body exercises and abdominal crunches - they may be some that you can do without straining your hip. Good luck!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I can't advice on the rest, but if you can afford biooil it's very good for stretch marks. I saw someone post a cheaper alternative on here somewhere but I can't remember what it was sorry.
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    is there any eaercise you can do? What about swimming with your swimming stroke adapted for your injury, using a float perhaps? it's great exercise but low impact.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks guys, the operation is in June and physiotherapy is for so many months after, I'll ask them when I can about what exercises I can do in the recovery stage (maybe swimming when I'm able to?).
    I have to learn to move my left leg properly again after the op and it will be about 3 months until I'm able to walk without aid (so I'm told) I walk with crutches but can manage little walks. (like to the kitchen or toilet) without crutches but even tiny walks like that effect me quite badly. I guess I'll continue the weight loss without exercise until after the op and then go crazy on the toning.

    As for the stretch marks I'm gutted :( I had stretch marks from growing up that disappeared to almost nothing but never have they been so visible. I hope they fade pretty well and will try the steroid cream if I can get it.

  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    It's apparently very similar to people that need full hip replacements but they aren't actually replacing mine, they are breaking the joint and kind of rearranging it so I am able to use 100% of the surface area of the joint instead of a very small amount I'm using now.
    I have tried swimming but can't kick or move my legs in a breaststroke motion but I haven't tried it with a float so thanks I might give that a go thanks!
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128

    My friend has lost weight (about 21 lbs) and plans on losing about another 10lbs, with a little support from MFP! She does little exercise, but does not have loose skin or anything like that, i think its only when you are much bigger is that a problem. It would be good if you could find some suitable exercise if you wanted to do it, but your doing well to be focusing on losing weight at this stressful time!!

    I've also been told bio oil is good for that!!