Newby-Stomach Aches

edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I´m new here.
I decided it was time to take control of my life.
I have been suffering from severe stomach aches for 4 years now and I´ve tried almost everything... taking out sugar, yeast and wheat (lost a lot of weight) but I couldn´t eat anything when I did that and my stomach did not get any better!
I´ve also tried eating several meals a day small ones...but still I have to rush to the god damn toilet everytime I eat something. You would think I would be really skinny right? But NO! I get so bloated and my stomach is huge..but that´s the only thing that is huge! ( also get puffy eyes and my fingers and legs swell up like i´m retaining water all the time) It´s really depressing to be a young woman who has never had kids but still has the stomach like one who has! My goal is to get abs....for once in my life and a flat stomach ...and ofcourse try to figure out what triggers these attacks and what´s wrong with me. My doctor told me I could have IBS, and i´m trying out meds for that, but they are not working...I just get really sleepy from them. I think mostly my goal is to feel like I´m 24...because I have felt like I am really old and tired for too long:( If there is anyone who can relate or is going through what I am going through it would be nice to get some advise:)


  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Wow, lady that stinks. A friend of mine had that and she feels better without gluten, but it sounds like you already tried that. I really think this is one for the doctors, not us.

    I do have occasional stomach aches and they have been with me for all different diets. I was vegetarian for 10 years and now I'm the opposite- low carb, and it doesn't seem to be a food issue with me. One doctor told me it's psychological (partly) and that stress can cause "intestinal spasms". I have meds that help but I only take if and when these things occur because I don't want to take this crap too much, the meds they gave me say online that they have serious side effects if taken on a daily basis. (they are called different names but in the same group as a brand name Donnatol, sometimes called "belladonna alkaloids", and some other names I can't remember. I wonder if that's what they gave you?)

    Go to the doctor! If they can't figure it out, go get a second opinion? Good luck!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I personally have an issue with my digestive system that is related to my liver - doctors can't quite figure it out, but through elimination diets we have found that if I strictly limit myself to 10 grams of fat or less per meal (it was about 3 grams when I first started but I can tolerate more now) I no longer have stomach aches, nausea, diahrrea or vomiting when I eat. :sick: It has worked for me for years now. I still need healthy fats in order to be healthy - I just have to spread it out over the day and not concentrate all the fat at once. Eliminating as much stress from your life as possible will help too. Don't know if this will work for you, but if you are desperate you could try it - it took me years of experimenting to make it work. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh that´s horrible:( But stress can affect the body, I´m in my finals now and I haven´t been able to study because of constant diarrhea ...I think I get worse when I´m stressed too! But my doctor now is my second opinion doctor. I changed because the other doctor just didn´t believe me. Never tried anything exept gastroscopy and endoscopy but didn´t find anything. This new doctor has given me me two medications, the first didn´t work (I don´t remember the name). The second one is Lybrax, which has anti anxiety agents in it... and make me so drowsy I just fall a sleep, and I have problems with sleeping! But actually i´m going to an endoscopy today, just found out, he thought it was very suspicious that I had, had a constant watery diarrhea for two weeks and pain.
    I do hope you feel better Mursey, this can be so frustrating!
  • Jenilla! Wow you must have great will power! Only 3 grams when you first started! I think it´s very hard to eliminate food, because I love it so much.... but sometimes I would rather just not eat and feel hungry...hunger pains are better than the other pains... but now it just dosn´t matter if I eat or not...I wake up at nights and rush to the bathroom!
    I am desparate too to find a cure! But one thing is sure... I have too much stress in my life now, because I´m on my first year in psychology and the first year depends if you get in or basically it´s like you are on survivor all the time and people are trying to flunk you and sabotage you. So I guess it makes the situation kind of worse. Thank you for the advise! I think you are very strong to be able to control this situation you have!
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