Workouts and schedules - what works for you?

Hey Guys and Gals

I'm just looking for a bit of advice. I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels body revolution. I'm on week 7 and I feel myself stalling a bit. It's only 30 min but it's pretty intense and when I take the time to do I want to give it 110%

My dilemma is this. I work 730-5 then have a 30 min commute. I usually start dinner right away and we eat around 6pm. Then I take about an hour to digest and relax after a long day so im usually not getting my workout in until around 7:30-8pm and by that time I'm pretty exhausted. Some days are ok and I give it my all but some days are tough and I feel like I'm barely getting through it. That is discouraging because I know i'm not giving it my all.

I think i'm going to start making crockpot meals or casseroles (that I can make the day before then just pop in the oven when I get home) for dinners so I can work out before I eat.

I've tried working out in the morning. Getting up around 5:15AM - problem is i'm NOT a morning person. Half the time I would turn the alarm off and go back to sleep until 6 and the other half of the time when I would get up i'd still pretty sluggish and again, not feeling like im giving it my all.

So what works for you?

Sometimes the motivation and intention of others help me to power through in moments like these. Thanks in advance! :-)


  • bigkid225
    Crockpot is the way way to go for a busy schedule. You can get everything ready the night before, turn it on in the morning, and you have a full meal when you get home. Something I do a lot is buy bulk chicken at Costco. I put two chicken breasts in a ziploc with a marinade. I take them out the day before I plan to use them and they simultaneously thaw and marinade. Then I can either grill or bake the chicken and steam some veggies in the microwave. I don't exactly preplan meals, but I'm prepared. As far as workout schedule, I recommend doing it as soon as you get home. That's what I have to do. Once I sit on the couch and turn on Netflix, I'm posted up for the night.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm fortunate enough to have a flexible schedule much of the time, but on days when I have to be in the office all day, I work out as soon as I get home, and then heat up leftovers or cook something really simple.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    i workout everyday from 3.30am - 4.30am as my work situation has changed and its not nearly as bad as i expected - in fact i am enjoying them more now than i did when i did them at midday. Maybe a workout at 5.30am ?
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I work out before work. For a while I got up at 4am to do it, but fortunately I don't need to do that any more. I'm not a morning person, either, but I did it with the knowledge that if I waited, chances were that I wouldn't get around to it later.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    I work out before work. For a while I got up at 4am to do it, but fortunately I don't need to do that any more. I'm not a morning person, either, but I did it with the knowledge that if I waited, chances were that I wouldn't get around to it later.

    same here - and getting it done first thing allows all day to get in the right nutrition.

  • RosaileenB
    RosaileenB Posts: 49 Member
    Your schedule sounds almost exactly like mine! I'm also doing the body revolution by JM. I'm on week 4. However, I also go running during my lunch because it gives me energy for the rest of the day. I don't start my JM workout until after 7:30 or 8PM. One thing that I do is change into my workout clothes right away because it reminds me of having to work out. However, some days when I don't have the energy, I take green tea energy pills and they really give me energy. If you aren't a coffee drinker then I don't recommend the pills.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    I've tried the morning workout, too, and it just doesn't work for me. It seems to work best for me to work out as soon as I get home, then have dinner and go on about my evening. I am also doing 30-minute workouts, which helps because I'm done quickly, and it doesn't make dinner any later.
  • mustloseweight2015
    mustloseweight2015 Posts: 78 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am in the same boat. Full time work, 30 minute commute, and having a toddler makes it difficult to make time for workouts for me. I am also not a morning person. I can barely be up at 5:45 am to get to work on time. Also with everything that needs to be done, it's hard to get to bed before 10 or 10:30. I need my 7 hours of sleep so waking up any earlier is exceedingly difficult. We also eat home cooked meals daily except for weekend.

    Here are a few things that have worked for me:

    1) I have accepted that workouts are NOT going to happen daily for me. I run, so I try to fit in a work out or two in the weekend and try twice during the week days. So it's usually about 3 or in better weeks 4 workouts a week. I know people say that if you really want to make something happen, you will. But honestly, besides losing weight and being fit, I also have other things I want to do like spending time with my toddler and husband in the evenings, watching TV for half hour at the end of the day, or relax and read a book. So that's that.

    2) Crock-pot is awesome! I use it a bunch. I often prepare all the ingredients for a crock-pot recipe the night before and throw them in the next morning. When we get back from work, nice steaming and healthy dinner is ready! I have a crock-pot that automatically switches to "keep warm" mode after the pre-set time is up, so that's great. You don't end up overcooking the food that way.

    3) I also cook for multiple days. I cook large batches of dinner that will last 2 or 3 days. You end up eating the same food 2 or 3 days in a row, but you also end up cooking less frequently and have the time to workout.

    4) We usually eat dinner a bit late (around 7 pm). I really hate working out after dinner. This way, I can go for a run after my husband gets home (and watches our toddler) and before dinner. I am not suggesting you should change your dinner time or anything. Just saying that this schedule works for us.

    Good luck! :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    For me, my workout schedule varies by season. I live in the hot, hot desert so running in the summer is really rough. I usually get up before the sun so I can get in a run before the temps climb above 80° (sometimes it never gets that low, though). Running in the afternoons is not an option when it doesn't dip below 100° until after the sun sets. The winter is the opposite. I go in to work earlier and get home early enough that I can get in an hour run before dusk and my family gets home. After I run, I start dinner and shower.

    On the days I'm not running I hit the gym after work to lift. That's always an after work activity, usually from 3:45 to 4:45.

    Frankly, if mornings would really work best for you, but you have difficulty getting up earlier, then go to bed earlier. You're only "not a morning person" because you aren't getting enough sleep if you get up earlier. Once you shift your schedule for a week or so it gets easier. I used to work in a call center and our schedules changed every 6 months. I'd go from working 8:30 - 6:00pm to a schedule that had me working 5:00pm to 2:00am. The first few days were awful but after a week or so your body really does adjust to the new schedule. Melatonin can help, too.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I mostly workout in the morning.

    However, since that won't work for you, I think that crockpot meals and casseroles are a good idea. Two other ideas are having super easy meals during the week (e.g., sandwiches, etc.) and doing prep work on Sunday (if you are going to have tacos one night you can brown the meat and season it on Sunday and then just heat it up the day you need it.)

    I'm very lucky in that my husband starts dinner every day since he's home from work by the time our daughter gets home from school. We still try to stick to easier meals during the week and then things that take more time (baked steak, yummmmm) on the weekends.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    I work out before work. For a while I got up at 4am to do it, but fortunately I don't need to do that any more. I'm not a morning person, either, but I did it with the knowledge that if I waited, chances were that I wouldn't get around to it later.

    same here - and getting it done first thing allows all day to get in the right nutrition.

    yep, i triple that.
    coffee down, workout done, nothing but the nutrition to worry about for the rest of the day. peace of mind, and an early morning endorphin boost, cant go wrong with that.
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you everyone!! I appreciate those that offered advice and those that can commiserate. I'm motivated and this is exactly what I needed. I'm going to try the AM workouts again, you've convinced me. I remember I would feel great after and would be on time for work and feeling great all day. I'd be tired in the evenings but if I get to bed at 9:30-10 rather than 10:30- 11 I can probably make this successful. Also the days I workout before dinner seems so much more simple based on what some of you said. Easy meals, crockpot, etc. I think I got this!!
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    For me, if I don't get my workout in during the morning then I found that I don't tend to do it. After dinner, like you I am normally tired and just can't get off the sofa most days.

    I always loved my sleep and never thought that I could wake up at 6am to exercise. But I have been doing it. I changed my sleep time slowly by waking up 10 mins earlier every couple of days. Over time, your body will get used to the earlier wake up.
    Having said that, I don't wake up and exercise everyday. Those days that I am tired, I allow myself to sleep the extra hour or so. I try to get exercise in 3-4 days a week, although I don't normally manage to do four days.

    Cooking in bulk is a great idea. I do that most sundays, as I get home about 7 or even 8pm and am starving when I get home!

    Also, the weeks when you haven't managed to get much work outs in, try and have an active weekend. Maybe go somewhere for the day that involves lots of walking? Or wake up and just jog on the spot for 10-15 mins. It all adds up!
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    I have a similar schedule, but when I get home I get my workout in as soon as possible. As in, I change into my workout clothes for the commute home (mostly because I run from work to the train station as well), so that when I walk in the door I am ready to go. It doesn't kill anyone that dinner is 30 minutes later than it normally would be, and I know that if I sit down there's NO WAY I'm getting back up to work out.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I'm struggling with this as well and I think your slow cooker idea is a great one! I agree that working out before eating is a good plan... eating at 6:30 vs 6:00 is not a big deal, kids can even get used to that (if that's an issue). I would suggest bringing a light afternoon snack with you that you eat 30 minutes before leaving work with half a cup of coffee (1 hr before workout) so that you have energy. Something like an apple or granola bar.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i evolved into a morning person on purpose. I wasnt/ I used to get home at 4 am on weeknights.

    but i wanted to be a different person, so i made myself into a different person.

    Now you couldnt pry the hours of peace and productivity I get each morning before work, from my cold dead hands.

    It's absolutely lovely having my job be something i simply do during the middle of my day :flowerforyou:
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member

    It's absolutely lovely having my job be something i simply do during the middle of my day :flowerforyou:[/quote]

    totally agree - even if the middle of the day seems to last about 10hrs too long! :)

  • Old_Man_McGucket
    Old_Man_McGucket Posts: 310 Member
    I workout in the morning (up at 4:45am) or mid-day if I'm slow at work. I've always been a morning person.

    Evening workouts have never worked for me because competing priorities always get in the way.

    There's no "right answer" for this. As Yoovie did, you can become a morning person. Alternatively, you can workout later in the day, but it takes discapline to make that a priority.
  • librislady
    librislady Posts: 46 Member
    I work out in the mornings from around 6am-7am, before I go to work. For me, that means waking up at 5:15am - not as early as some, but still way early for me! The biggest changes to make it work for me were...
    • Packing everything the night before! I shower and get ready for work at the gym and head straight to the office afterward, so I have every single thing I'll need put together in the gym bag before I go to bed. If I leave anything undone, it takes me forever to get it together that early in the morning.
    • Crock pots and big batch cooking. I pack up my batches of food in individual containers immediately after cooking, so they're reserved for future meals and I just have to grab them on my way out the door. (Again with the packing ahead of time!)
    • Making sleep a real priority. I'm the worst at staying up to surf the internet or watch movies, but I've had to buckle down and make myself get to bed by 9:30pm. It was hard to start, but once the routine was in place, I was totally tired by then anyway!

    Mine happens to be in the morning, but I feel that whenever you end up working out, it becomes much more manageable if you stick to your routine as much as possible. Your mind and body get used to it, and it'll get easier! Good luck! :D
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Tuesday and Thursday nights after work are lifting nights and I'm in the's as much a part of my schedule as anything else. My third lifting day is Saturday morning.

    I generally get my cardio in during my lunch hour and eat afterwards at my desk. I can usually squeeze in a 15-20 mile ride on Mon/Wed/Fri and I usually run on Tues/Thurs...but sometimes I just go for a walk depending on how I feel...if I'm tired, I save it for the weight room later that night.

    I usually also ride my bike to and from the gym on Saturday morning which gives me another 16 or so miles round trip.

    During the summer months I'm more willing to get up a little earlier to try and get my rides in morning vs lunch...but it's just too cold to ride at 5:30 AM in the winter.