Getting back on track when life gets in the way.............

LoraEllen Posts: 81
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Lora and I'm working hard today to overcome some obstacles in my life that are preventing me from being the best "me"! This is my first step. I know that today will be a good day with positive results! If I speak it here, believe it, and make it happen every time I have to make a decision today......I will get back on track! Have a great day everyone :)


  • I hear you! I am in the same boat. Normally I would just quit, but I refused to quit AGAIN! We can do it! "Stuff" is always going to happen!! :)
  • You go girl!!!! Life is always in the way but you can never stop fighting!!! Good luck!
  • Same here. Good Luck Lora!!
  • captmarko
    captmarko Posts: 18 Member
    Henry Ford once said, "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't you are right." My mother always told me that, "there was nothing that I couldn't do if I just put my mind to it". I always thought that she was only speaking of me but I later learned that she was speaking to you as well and the rest of the world. You can do it no matter what gets in your way as long as you believe and never give up. Make it a great day.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Love that saying captmarko!
  • ImBabyBunny
    ImBabyBunny Posts: 75
    Good for you! Love that attitude! You work it out girl! Have a nice day!
  • misslou85
    misslou85 Posts: 3
    Wow, i am totally in the same boat, having some very tough struggles of late and this is the only thing i have control over and i'm determined to make sure this is one success I have and will be proud of....Good luck :)
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