Starting over again!

Hi, I struggle on being faithful on posting my food and exercise. I mess up so much on my eating and the choices I make, is anyone else struggling? I won't give up but it sure is discouraging!


  • lorbie49
    lorbie49 Posts: 38 Member
    It is hard for sure! I was doing really good last year, but I let work and school take over and I quit exercising and stopped tracking what I was eating. I gained 30 pounds...ugh! So here I am re-commiting today :) This is a great place for mutual support. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • clearlybrunette
    clearlybrunette Posts: 6 Member
    Yes! OMG! I lost 80 lbs before my wedding in 2010 and since then I have gained that weight back! Not to mention I just had a baby and I am working hard to get my weight down! You can do this! Everyone makes mistakes and you just have to think of this as a lifestyle change....don't use the word "Diet." I hate that word.
  • Oh my goodness, you just described the story of my life! XD I used to try tracking calories on my own by just calculating from nutrition labels and serving sizes, but that wasn't very reliable, and I am sooooo glad I found MFP when I did! It's a lifesaver! But yes, I struggle with being accountable with my eating habits. :/ So just know that I'm in the same boat with ya! ;)
  • Myfitnesspal has definitely helped me to stay on track and find the balance I needed :) I used to struggle a lot because I was very strict and gave myself a lot of restrictions. With MFP I've learned to moderate and that makes eating better SO much more doable for me. Moderation NOT elimination is the key to health in my opinion. I would love to be friends :)
  • Hi, I lost a lot of weight a few years ago when I lived at home with my parents.. ( I am 23 now ) then I moved out, and since then I have gained it back again. I do admit that I didn't lose, the 80+ lbs the healthy way, anyway I am trying to do it again... I am ashamed to say it all came back. If anyone has any advice as to how I can get my motivation back to do it in a healthy way... I would love to hear from anyone. :)