Working out on an empty stomach?

BeckyO Posts: 14
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
So my work scheduled just got changed and now I have to figure out my work-out schedule again. I've been thinking about just rolling out of bed and either going for a run or putting a dvd on. Any thoughts on this? Would it be an issue to start the day working out without something in my stomach? I think that I would be able to do it and now with working full-time, 3 girls and a busy schedule after school I think this maybe my only option.


  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I do that almost every day. Its what works best in my schedule and has never been a problem with me losing weight.
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    I do it every day also. 30 min on the elliptical straight out of bed, then it's done and over with for the day lol. It's the longest I've stayed on an exercise regime. Works for me. I follow it with 64 oz of water so I'm half done with my water for the day also.
  • sociable15
    sociable15 Posts: 98
    Most of the time I have to roll out of bed into my running clothes and go at like 5:45/6am. I will also feel incredibly nauseous if I eat that soon after waking up so I often am running on an empty stomach. It is a TERRIBLE idea for any run over 45 minutes to an hour but under that it doesn't affect me at all.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I would be careful and have at least a cereal bar so that you have something in your stomach, but it's not "full". I got used to working out with food in my stomach, and one time I went without eating, I got nauseous because I pushed myself without having food in my stomach.

    I have also seen some vomit on the ground outside the gym I go to because someone pushed themselves too far on an empty stomach.
  • stephmn
    stephmn Posts: 18
    I asked a trainer this question last year. She told me to eat a handful of Cheerios before I started my workout. So, I would roll out of bed, down a handful of Cheerios and some water - then get dressed for my workout, etc. It seemed to work pretty good.
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    Do this all the time. Some sources say it's better this way (and you're more likely to burn fat this way, but who knows). There are some exercises (like running, plyo), that I cannot fathom doing with food in my stomach.
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    I workout every weekday morning at 5 am as soon as I get up and have had no troubles. Just makes me extra ready to shower and eat breakfast:happy:
  • melly196804
    melly196804 Posts: 20 Member
    That is fine, I read an article that said it was good to workout first thing in the morning. I think it was in the biggest loser magazine. I work out in the morning whenever I can. I have five children so my day can be crazy. You should be fine. I rolled out of bed at 4:30 this morning and drove to Planet Fitness and I feel great another plus to working out early in the morning. Good Luck.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I also do this pretty much every day, and I'm doing P90X. I can tell a little bit on some of the more intense days that by the end of the workout I am basically drained, but for the most part I don't think it affects the quality of my workouts. Just make sure you eat within an hour of finishing up and you should be good. And I wouldn't reccomend running for extended periods on an empty stomach at all!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    A lot of people like doing fasted cardio.

    I would NEVER strength train without eating first. My body just doesn't like that.

    I'd maybe look into a bcaa or eaa powder to sip on while doing those morning runs. It's nice to have.
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    I don't think it will hurt your weight loss. I go to Zumba class once a week on an empty stomach and that's a whole hour class. I've never had a problem.
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    I've seen the argument for both eating and not eating. I personally have to eat because I will run out of energy before my workout is over if I don't. Some people don't eat because they say eating makes them nauseous during a workout. You figure out what works for you and go for it!
  • It depends on the person if you are not used to working out early without food then you may get nauseous. However you do not want to eat right before working out because it can cause cramps and gas. So try to at least eat 30mins to an hour before working out if you can. Take it slow so that your body will get used to the change. Build up your time until you are able to sustain your entire workout without food. Listen to your body at all times.

    Good luck!
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    Most mornings I do a 2 mile walk to work before breakfast, I don't feel bad for it, then I really enjoy my breakfast when I get to my destination! I have to have a snack before I walk home later in the day though, or I get shaky.
  • ejcarls13
    ejcarls13 Posts: 1
    Working out with nothing in your system does not create for ideal physiological conditions for exercise. Your body naturally burns glucose at the beginning of a workout. However, glucose levels drop during periods of fasting (i.e. sleep) and need to replenished before your body can actually start using them. Without the existence of glucose, your body will seek out other means of fuel to efficiently start the workout and, unfortunately, this fuel will not always come from fat.

    In an ideal world, you'd wake up a couple hours before your workout to eat some food. However, we don't live in an ideal world and we have so many things to juggle, including sleep. So if your only option is to workout on an empty stomach, then do it. It sure beats the alternative of not working out at all.
  • It"s good to do cardio on empty stomach. But if you do strength training you have to eat some complex carbs+protein 2-3 hrs before workout. If you do strength workout in the morning you can drink protein shake and eat fruit. When you work out on an empty stomach, your body will feed on itself for fuel, and its going to start with protein (your muscles). You really have to eat after your workout. Your muscles are damaged during workouts, and only proper nutrition and rest are going to repair them. Proper nutrition is a HUGE part of getting results from your workouts.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Try it and see how you feel but maybe bring along a snack just in case.

    I'm one of those people who can't eat a full breakfast right away but I'm wary about just going out to exercise without anything in my stomach so I eat a yogurt or snack/cereal bar or a spoonful of peanut butter just to get something in my system. The last thing I want is for my blood sugar to tank halfway through my workout and I get too weak/woozy to continue. I'd rather be sure I'm fueled up and good to go.
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    I eat breakfast around 730-800a and then workout around 1130. I am not hungry while working out (running 3 miles) but quite hungry after.

    Any time I have ever eaten within 90-120 minutes of working out has always caused me cramps.
  • I always work out before my breakfast because it's the only way I can have the living room to myself (I get anxious exercising when other people are around). I usually just grab a few m&m's or an oreo or something for a quick boost of energy to get me going. Works great for me, and it's the only time I really can work out, so it keeps me on a good schedule, which is really the most important thing.
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