I am sorry for being so angry that you only have 15 punds to



  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Those people you feel jealous of. Befriend them. Learn what you can. That's what I do. When I see someone who has lost more weight then me I like to peek into their food diary (if able) and get some ideas.
  • jhamlin6668
    jhamlin6668 Posts: 23 Member
    Your realization is very insightful and inspirational. I"m glad you shared it. Julie
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I think it's totally normal.

    I get jealous when I see the 2 pounds to go, or even the 84 pounds lost!

    Then I stop and think that I only have 50 to go, and there are other people who have much more and probably feel the same way about me.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Also, massive pat on the back for everyone for going totally against society's trend in how and what we eat, exercise. To be here and be conscious about how we're all facing today's food crisis is no small thing at all.

    Weight loss is not my priority on MFP, but I'm here for health reasons nevertheless, and the struggle is the same. That's partly the struggle of swimming upstream in how we feed ourselves in the West. Sorry for not being clearer enough, but I feel it's not only about a physical ideal and the weight loss per se, but also about how we choose to live in the world.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Jealousy is part of human nature, don't beat yourself up over it. For instance I get jealous of people that have better careers than me, ha ha .. .people get jealous over anything.

    Also, I don't think we should think in terms of pounds. I think in terms of percentage, what percentage of your body weight have you lost, etc. Some people are on here for maintenance too, so you're going to see people who don't have to lose any weight (now) but maybe have had to. Some people want to build a lot more muscle. Some people might have been a lot heavier even before they joined MFP but you won't know it because they lost a lot of weight before they entered their biggest size on MFP. You never know.

    Maybe it would make you feel better to ask for friends that are in a similar time in your struggle. I've seen posts that say "Wanted: friends that need to lose X amount of weight". There's no harm in asking for specific types of MFP buddies. I asked for low carb or Paleo Diet friends, for instance. If it makes you feel you're amongst your piers, put a post asking for people you feel are in your same situation.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I wouldn't sweat it. I think most of us have secretly thought something along those lines at one time or another. My husband isn't actively trying to lose weight. He does Taekwondo twice a week and has reduced his carbs only because I've reduced them in the food I feed him. I pack his lunch and I make his dinner so I have control over most of his eating. My daughter quit baking so many cookies so he's not eating a ton of those anymore (he's a carb addict!)

    I on the other hand work out 5-6 days a week, twice on Taekwondo days. I'm doing P90X, I'm counting calories, I'm working hard and trying to stay focused!

    He's lost more than 30 pounds.

    I've lost about 19 in the same time frame.

    If I didn't love him so much and wasn't happy that he's losing and getting healthier in spite of himself I'd give him a nice roundhouse kick to the head! :D
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I have found that the more I work on my emotional health the less jealous of people I become. I was brought up in a family of women who have been resentful and envious of others their whole lives, so it is a difficult adjustment.

    So when we work on being happy every day no matter what, practice gratitude and being aware of our gifts, we do not focus so much on what others have that we don't.

    BTW I do have a little pang when people whinge about their partners not being supportive - being a widow sure puts that in perspective.

  • ImBabyBunny
    ImBabyBunny Posts: 75
    awww You are not a bad person at all! My family is very ......umm interesting when it comes to this kind of stuff...there is a lot of jealously/mean comments, ect. But those people who have giant goals and all the motivation int the world, there motivations and strength always brings me to tears!

    There are people out there that actually belive its there destiny to be fat, unhealthy ect there whole lives! And that, no matter what they do they will not lose weight! Seeing people of all shapes and sizes puts this into realistic mind-set. Inspiring others and kindling the fire to burn, burn, burn those calories!

    Numbers and pounds in the end won't even matter...we all have the same goal, we are all running in the same direction.

    When I see people exercising, I always yell out at them encouraging things..it doesn't matter there size, their age. Nothing matters. If they are working out, they desire that encouragement.

    Take Care, Congratulates on all your success! Here to health! *cheers*
  • mmulhern914
    mmulhern914 Posts: 25 Member
    I had joined WW with my sister-in-law and watched her meet goal in six months why I continued to lose and gain, lose and gain, having no idea what the heck I was doing wrong! I HATED her!! :smile: Then I realized that I just needed to focus on me, I quit WW, started running, (she does little form of exercise) and joined MFP and haven't looked back! Soon, you will be at a place where you will think "I can't believe how far I have come!"......hang in there! :flowerforyou: