I just ate two slices of cake... on my first day.



  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Why on earth are you waiting until 3:00 p.m. to eat lunch? No wonder you were hungry and binged on cake! Eat smaller meals closer together, eat healthy fats and high fiber to keep yourself feeling full, and most of all, eat a variety, eat what you want so that you won't feel deprived - just in moderation and be sure to make it all fit into your calorie goal for the day. Tomorrow is another day- you didn't ruin it- one day isn't going to hurt you but several bad days in a row will derail any progress.
  • ALMorales311
    ALMorales311 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses! I carefully read through all of them, and I will always have this saved as a bookmark to read in the future especially when I have the same problem and forget... which is undoubtedly going to happen! haha <3
  • HildieMe
    HildieMe Posts: 41 Member
    I'm not a doctor or medical professional, but.... I went through several depressions in my life. Until I was diagnosed with wheat sensitivity. Today it's known as gluten sensitivity, and it did a number on my metabolism, mood, and of course, weight. The simple (but not easy) remedy: Eat gluten free food. Lots of veggies, fresh and cooked, some fruits, lean proteins, low fat dairy.... you know the drill. Do that for a few weeks, don't kill yourself setting strict limits on calories, just record everything you eat and see if it makes a difference.
  • Have you ever tried the Special K chocolatey delight bars? They are 100cal and you get 2 of them.....and they are YUM. Now, I know they are processed and blah blah blah, but they are a great thing to have on hand when you NEED something sweet/chocolatey. Also, they fit nicely into a purse. :smile:

    I do think, as many people have said, that you perhaps waited too long to eat. But, this happens to all of us.....I am tapering for a race and so I cut back on my calories because I'm not running as much. Well, today I cut back my calories a little TOO much, got light-headed, and proceeded to eat 2 packages of clif shot blocks (pretty much fancy gummy bears) just to feel normal. So yes, we can all go a little too far "all-in" once in a while! :)
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    edited December 2014
    That's a really boring plan, OP. No wonder you caved in so early.

    Just because you want to lose weight, doesn't mean you're stuck with plain, dull food. I mean, eggs are great - but 3 of them in one day will get old quickly.

    As long as it fits into your calories for the day, you can pretty much eat anything.

    Totally agree with this. I get wanting to hit it and hit it hard and feeling like you will never make a difference but going so hardcore so fast is a recipe for disaster. Ease in, give yourself the treats. My favourite trick is to bake a cake, and then portion it into small slices and freeze them (frozen cake is disgusting btw) then if I want a piece I have to let it thaw before eating it which gives me enough time to calculate whether it fits into my budget, whether or not I REALLY want it, whether or not I might prefer something else.

    You can do this. If you don't have allot of freezer or fridge space perhaps a bar fridge in your room to keep special food in? Maybe discuss with your MIL being able to use her kitchen so that you can prep some food?

    As others have said long term is the key here. If you look at my diary I have gone WAY over in calories some days because at the end of the day I said HANG IT and got a burger! Because I know I'm gonna need to be able to maintain this lifestyle longterm and I love burgers, so what is the point in depriving myself now when I am certainly not going to go without them forever? That said I don't eat them anywhere near as often as I used to.

  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I haven't read most of the comments...

    Going from "wanting to change" to making that first, initial change is the hardest part.

    Step one - toss the rest of the cake. It's only going to taunt you, and your willpower cannot support the "everything in moderation" idea yet. Trust.

    Step two - Add stuff to your meal plans that excites you!

    Please don't be discouraged, as we have all faced (and in my case still face) these kinds of scenarios from time to time. Hang in there, and when things go south, get back on the saddle! You've got this!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks to all of you that actually had supportive and educational input. No thanks to those with snarky comments. I'm not an expert at this. I am only 5'3", and I don't have the money, time, or space to cook intricate meals, so of course my meals are going to be boring. I'm not happy about it, but I do with what I can...

    I will try to find cheap, healthy BORING snacks that I can have between meals. I live with my in-laws, so I don't have the refrigerator space to cook ahead.

    Thanks again for all of the input!

    I just went by what myfitnesspal told me. My calculated calorie goal from myfitnesspal is 1,250, and all of my food (minus the cake) summed up to 1,187 calories. I'm a 23-year-old female, 150 lbs., and 5'3".

    Like I said, I'm not an expert... I don't have the drive to work out everyday, so I thought what I was doing is best.

    If anyone has any positive and encouraging advice on how many calories I SHOULD be eating, I would greatly appreciate it.

    you can be creative in your snacking i have angel food cake with light frozen yogurt and lite whipped cream on top! pudding with whipped cream, light ice cream, a couple of cookies, etc
  • eatmindfully
    eatmindfully Posts: 93 Member
    Well if possible get the cake out of the house. Drink lots of water or herbal tea. Don't let yourself get so hungry so plan some snacks. Add more high fiber foods (fruits and veggies) as they will help keep you feeling more full. Also remember we tend to be addicted to sugar from eating too much of it-it tends to be in all processed foods. So try to wean yourself off sugar. Be kind to yourself! I hope the cake was good :) Just try to budget for it next time instead of eating it on impulse because you feel super hungry. Try a piece of fruit next time and wait a while to see if the craving goes away. Good luck!
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    Yeah, I have a huge problem with willpower. Tho mine revolves around beer. I can say no to most everything else. So ditch things like bread and brown rice and swap them for more protein, fat and fiber.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi, I am 5'1 and on the good old 1200 cal a day, that is my TDEE on maintenance, so I exercise at least an hour x3 a week to bring my TDEE up to 1335. I have been maintaining for about 4 years and the way I work it is by having a set breakfast, if you can call it that- I am not a breakfast person. ( 300cal)
    A lunch with yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, or hummus, plenty of raw fruit and veg and about 100 cal of bread, rice cakes or crackers, takes me through until dinner. (350-450cal)
    Dinner, I have whatever I want, I just keep my portions of things like potatoes, pasta, and rice smaller so I can have more of the good stuff- veg and whatever protein is on offer that night.
    Late night snack is always a coffee and a chocolate( good 70%truffle=50cal).
    I love sweets and that chocolate satisfies my need.
    I also drink about 2 litres of water.
    Most days I can even fit in a glass of wine if I want it! - I don't snack so often have extra calories.

    I know it must be hard if you are living with your in laws, that is why I thought I would post my version of living on 1200-1350 cal - it lets me eat with the family or out without having to be fussy and need different food.
    Take a few weeks to just learn how to log your food and see what high cal things can be reduced in portion size, and what things you can leave out without missing them ( I switched from fizzy pop to fizzy water,it saved me hundreds of calories a day once I found it was the fizz I wanted not the sugar).
    Try and remember weight loss is a game of options; and it is OK to choose the wrong one every now and then, as long as you make the right choice most of the time.
    Cheers, h.
    Ps, if my protein is low I skip the wine and have a protein drink.

  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    You're setting yourself up for failure by not allowing yourself enough food. It's an easy misstep to make, as a beginner. Be kind to yourself and listen to your body. My food diary is honest and open, if you want to friend me. I eat roughly 1,600 calories per day, and I try hard to make them count with a good balance of fruits, veggies, carbs, protein, treats, etc. I have slowly, but consistently been losing weight since September. I don't rule out any foods and try to eat in moderation.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    My granny-in-law made no-bake cookies a few days ago (she's does it twice a week at 2am, always), and it can be hard to avoid. However, I expected I would be giving in to them today, so I added them to my diary ahead of time, as well as everything else I thought I would eat. Had to change some things when it turned out that I would be making dinner (which worked out for the best, as always), but today was a good day. Anyway, while I was having a cookie this morning, I was thinking about something else pretty important - when you treat yourself to something, and there is more available (i.e., one slice of cake, but you know there's more as well), eat it nice and slow. Savor the flavor, and don't rush. If you rush through your treat, you'll feel like you didn't experience it for long enough, and probably bum-rush the cookie jar or cake dish.
  • Kgerber777
    Kgerber777 Posts: 105 Member
    snacks are my best friend! I love the 100 cal snack packs(there are tones of options)! Almonds are easy to keep on hand, I always have some at work incase I feel like I am dying between meals. Also protein will help keep you full so try to pick things that are high in that =) good luck and remember that tomorrow is a new day!!
  • Teal4me
    Teal4me Posts: 104
    I eat protein bars for snacks and a 80z glass of water! That fills me up
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited December 2014
    OP, I'm 5' 3 1/2" and about the same weight as you, and I eat around 1650 cals per day to lose very slowly while enjoying some really great food. I'd be happy to make suggestions and share recipes. I tend to eat a lot of pasta dishes, shrimp and light fish, things with ground turkey, and tons of salads (but not boring ones...goat cheese and spinach!) and tons of veggies (winter squash!!) and legume dishes (Moroccan lentils!)

    Also, don't judge my diary by today. ;P I've been Splurgy McSplurgerson today.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Not the best meal plan......my socks would be in the danger zone for being consumed on day 2.