NYC 53rd and 6th Halal Guys Gyro Platter Calories?

I checked online and saw that the chicken platter is about 2,045 calories. (40g fat, 255g carbs, 168g protein) So I only eat it if that's the only meal I'm having for the whole day. I can't find any info for the nutritional value of the gyro platter though. For anyone that's eaten at the Halal Guys in NYC, approximately how many calories do you think the gyro platter has and what would you guess is the amount of each macro?


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    It's probably 20% higher than that.
  • I'm guessing around that area as well since gyro is fattier than chicken. Have you ever tried the platters in NYC? They're so good yet so bad lol.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    they're good. It was a staple during my last trip.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Holy carp. That's a lot of food.
  • Sure is man, and only for $6 a platter. It's great that I only live a few minutes away too.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I dare you to say that really fast 10 times., your title.
  • Hard as hell man lol
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just find an equivalent in the database for everything that's on the plate.
  • Well I looked online and found out that 1 oz of gyro meat is 50 cals. Idk how many oz of gyro are in the platter though. I'll weigh it next time I get the chance to go there. Problem is I don't know exactly what's in the rice and white sauce that they make. So I think I'll just stick to the gyro platter having about 20% more calories than the chicken platter lol.