
greekmama30 Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I just ordered the dvd's; has anyone done them?


  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I'm 3 weeks in right now, it's tough but very effective!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Lots of folks here have done them. P90X and Insanity seem to be two of the most-discussed workouts here! I'm doing p90x now, and am planning on ordering Insanity next. I have 11 days to go! I have to admit, I'm tired of Tony Horton. I do additional cardio and usually substitute more intense cardio rather than doing Kenpo X. Pylometrics is great--actually most of the workouts are great.
  • thanks :) im realllly nervous but from what I hear it's awesome... i'm a little afraid it'll be too intense tho
  • vaston
    vaston Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in the middle of it right now. It's tough but worth it. You will NEED weights, pull-up bar, push-up bars, and quality cross-trainer shoes. Each workout is an hour long so you must schedule it or you won't do it. Also, it requires dedication. Some days I dread coming home from work knowing what is coming, others I look forward to. Don't give up! It will beat you down then build you up.
  • SweetTGirl
    SweetTGirl Posts: 2
    My boyfriend and I are on week two! We really like it. It's been hard because it really needs to be a life change if you want to see results. When I was looking up all the info for it and checking out all these different blogs, I seemed to read a common note: you HAVE to follow the nutrition plan to get the best results (especially for women.) It's been hard (and a little expensive) but very exciting at the same time. We can already tell a different in our energy level and the good eating habits we are developing. It's been nice to have someone to do the workouts with. If you can find a buddy, do it!

    I agree with vaston, you'll need all the equipment. We live in a basement apartment so we don't have door frames for pull ups (thank goodness I can't do ONE!) but the resistance bands have been great. The videos do a great job of explaining how to use them correctly.

    Don't be afraid that they're too intense. There are different options and varieties for those of us who aren't strong enough or don't have enough endurance just yet. But I have faith we'll get there!

    Keep us updated! I'll do the same! And p.s., I'm in the process of trying to add the workouts to MFP's database. Hopefully that'll be done soon!
  • mnm_220
    mnm_220 Posts: 4 Member
    I've just started P90x yesterday. I have done it in the past but only lasted 5 weeks doing the classic version. I have also attempted the lean version and only lasted 2 weeks.

    The calorie burn is awsome. I burned 450 calories yesterday on the chest and back video based on my heart rate monitor. My problem with not being sucessful has to do with timing. So like the others have said you have to schedule it! I am a mom with a full-time job and a part time student and a wife. I just do what I can!

    Good luck!
  • lblavoie
    lblavoie Posts: 31 Member
    My husband and I have been doing P90X and it's great! I'm on week 8 now and have lost over 20lbs. and lots of inches too. My husband lost some weight and has gained a lot of muscle/toned up. It is hard, but can be done. I just had a baby and when she turned 7 months I decided to do this. I was totally out of shape, but now I'm getting right back into it all. You really have to be committed to the program to get the results that it promises. If you can stick with it, you will see great results. I've got another 30 days or so to go, but plan on going for a 2nd round after. For those of us that need to get back into shape, several rounds may be necessary to again get the type of results you are looking for. Hope this helps!
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    Just finished Round 1. No significant weight loss (about 4lbs, I'm now 6lb from goal), but definitely saw improvement in toning (esp upper body) and strength. I did the LEAN version, but subbed Plyo for Cardio X (which was just too easy for me). I also run twice a week.
  • RobAsRx
    RobAsRx Posts: 17
    I'm on week 11! When I started, I could honestly say that I thought I'd never get here! Two more weeks til I'm done with my first full 90! I've lost 52 lbs now. It's all about lifestyle change. I changed my eating habits Jan 17th when I started here on MFP and have been fine tuning ever since. P90X started about two or three weeks after I started MFP. It has changed my body BIG TIME. I started at 363 lbs and I'm down to 310 lbs. I will start my P90X for the second time a week after I finish this 90.

    My best recommendation for someone starting out (especially coming from a big guy) is don't be discouraged if you can't finish the workouts. There is an "X" in the title for a reason, it is eXtreme. As cheesy as that sounds it's true. I looked at not finishing as an advantage. That meant that I'd get more bang for my buck out of these DVD's. Stick to the schedule, it's done that wy for a reason. Get accustomed to the workouts and then start pushing harder and harder each week.

    I hope you enjoy P90X as much as I do.

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