Does your metabolism slow down when you quit smoking?

daniran Posts: 233 Member
I had stopped smoking for over 2 years. Then my brother came to visit from London and stayed a few months. Well, being around he and his wife smoking I picked it back up. A year and a couple of months later - I've finally stopped again. Yippie! Well not quite... My weight seems to be going back up only by a couple of pounds thus far. But, it's been hard coming off and I'm not trying to go backwards. So, I hope I'm not sabotaging my weight loss.


  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    your metabolism should catch back up in a while.

    congrats on trying to quit! i need to find the strength too.
  • tu9387
    tu9387 Posts: 2
    I read a book by Allen Carr - The EasyWay to Quit Smoking, and haven't smoked even one cigarette in 8 months! I'd tried everything too, but couldn't make it stick. For some reason, this book just really did it for me!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm a former cigarette smoker. Though, I use an electronic cigarette now as nicotine replacement therapy.

    Nicotine is a stimulant. Stimulants are appetite suppressants. Getting off of appetite suppressants increases the feeling of hunger. The increased hunger creates a higher intake of calories. Coming off of stimulants, especially an addictive one like nicotine, will cause withdrawal symptoms, which may include lethargy, irritability, and flu-like symptoms.

    Exercise will help your body deal with those withdrawals and increase metabolism.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    E-Cigarettes work! I been smoking for 10 years and quit for my health and to be able to exercise more. I haven't even been tempted to start up again!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i quit today...i have the gum and e-cigs to keep me from buying another pack, but i think once i can breath a little better, i'll exercise better, so hopefully it'll balance out lol :) good luck!!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Ive been a smoker off and on for 8 years. I want to quit smoking and would love to. My only problem is right now I am living with my dad and he is a smoker, with absolutely no plan to quit smoking ever. So even if I quit, I am still going to be around it and the whole apartment smells like an ashtray. Grr.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Yes it does. Since smoking elevates your heart rate you burn more calories than you would if you were a nonsmoker. The amount of increased caloric expediture could be insignificant, but I have read estimates that it could equal a difference of 200 calories/day, which may be a 10% change in BMR.

    I put off smoking as long as possible beacause I was scared to death that I would gain 20-30 lbs that i had worked so hard to lose. However, I have actually lost weight since I quit and have been able to increase my workout intensity and start running again. The people who gain a bunch of weight when they quit are the people who stuff their face when they have a craving. I would get some sugar free gum and candy and a few boxes of tooth pics. That helped me tremedously.

    Quit now!!! it will be one of the best choices you have ever made. Good luck!

  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Well I'm 1 week down as of today. Thank you all for responding to me. I got some great info too! I can now look optimistically towards the future. Knowing that this too shall pass! Have a great day everyone!
  • preacher_lady
    preacher_lady Posts: 39 Member
    You already have my reply on MFP newsfeed. jdm_taco gave you some very good advice on this message board also. I wouldn't listen to anyone who is negative. You also have strong faith in God and He will help you. I have faith in you, my friend. :)