How are you surviving the festive period



  • chele402
    chele402 Posts: 128 Member
    Really just trying to be good without feeling deprived. Making holiday celebrations more about spending time with people than gorging on food. But always making room for wine :)
  • xtiansalcedo
    xtiansalcedo Posts: 25 Member
    I'm at maintenance now. Basically, I've been trying to eat under my calorie goal during the week, leaving myself a nice cushion so when I get to the weekends and the attendant holiday parties/dinners, I can go over on those days while still staying at or near the weekly goal.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Surviving? Seems a little extreme. It's not like we're going to die if we enjoy the holidays. Reevulate your mental approach.
    It's a figure of speech. If someone says "I would kill for a muffin," do you report them to the police? You won't enjoy your holidays if you don't relax.

    Also, festive tea (cinnamon spice! orange spice! chai!) and clementines are your friends.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    njitaliana wrote: »
    I'm not baking anything unless I plan to budget out one per night. I'm amazed that I can actually do that now. We're having company this week, and my husband is making lasagna (the only thing he likes to cook) with part-skim ricotta/mozzarella and turkey sausage, so I'll have 1 serving of that, plus spinach with garlic and olive oil, and a big salad with lowfat dressing. The guests are bringing fruit salad for dessert. And on Christmas day, we're going out to a restaurant and a movie! So, I get to choose what I want to eat. I don't really have any weight loss goal for Christmas other than to continue losing.
  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    I've been really sick. So far I've been good. :(
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
    so far so good. thanksgiving I just passed on the biscuits and cranberries so I could enjoy pumpkin pie mmmm good.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I've been doing very badly: It's as much my mood and the unpleasant weather as the constant and unavoidable exposure to high-calorie food, which further depresses me. After a party tonight, I'm going on an extreme diet for about 10 days. Seeing some movement will encourage me.

    Not looking for advice. Although my weight is up, I've never been clinically overweight and this is what works for me.
  • MiricaEclipse
    I'm counting my calories like gold until Christmas. Then two days after Christmas I'm going to a camp (can't have electronics, can't count calories) so I'm going to enjoy myself after Christmas. Until then, it's minimum of goodies for me!
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    i plan on NOT tracking christmas. i've been doing really well with staying on target for a while, and one day of indulgence isn't going to kill me. that said, i will try to make responsible choices.

    my former life: mashed potatoes, mashed yams, turkey, gravy, stuffing, carrots, etc. lots of carbs, fat. 2 plates full so i can enjoy all the wonderful carbs i love.

    my current habit: pick one starch (these days it's yams), measure a reasonable portion and enjoy every last bite. pick a piece of meat that's about the size of my palm, cover with a little bit of gravy if it's dry (aim for 1 tbsp). eat as many vegetables i want. if i still want dessert after, i'll have one portion of whatever's available.

    steer clear of most cookies, but i'm not going to beat myself up if i make the choice to have some. because one thing i'm working on is getting it into my subconscious that i AM in control and if i have something it is because i'm CHOOSING to do so. this is kind of new to me, but it worked for thanksgiving, and i think it's a way to have a healthier relationship with food.
  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member
    I am not too worried about being naughty Christmas and Boxing day. We are spending it on a boat so I will no doubt be swimming a lot. I love the water.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I'm just going to eat what I want and enjoy the holiday. I can deal with whatever happens afterwards.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    edited December 2014
    business as usual until Christmas day then ill be eating whatever I want for a couple days...and new years eve too obviously
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am always having days with a lot of extra calories - usually every Saturday. Not a cheat day (I hate that term) but a day that I go over a little (or a lot) and deal with. I have learned not to panic. When the holidays roll around, there are just more "Saturdays" to contend with. I enjoy them and move on.

    As for my specific M.O. it is usually to go for the most nutritious option and the most delicious option (as I see it).

    Example: buffet table with cocktail sausages, smoked ham, cheese tray, vegetables, dip, several types of crackers, fudge, cookies, and chocolate cake.

    Before MFP - I would have eaten a little bit of every single thing. After going out to dinner beforehand and being "good" by having 1 slice of pizza or a small sandwich, something like that.

    Now - medium sized piece of smoked ham, 1 small piece of cheese, a bunch of veggies, no dip, 2 squares of fudge since I really like peanut butter fudge OR 1 cookie if they look good and it's a fudge I don't like much. And, it's my dinner.

    Same with alcohol. Last night I went to a party and nursed a really amazing craft beer. Going out with friends I may have two of those. Most females present are downing lots of sugary punch, margaritas, etc, and I would have done the same in the past.
  • Macsbac
    Macsbac Posts: 3 Member
    I plan ahead for certain days to be "off" where I allow myself to eat whatever I want. So I'm super disciplined at work even when treats are being passed round right under my nose b/c I know I have a planned "off" day to look forward to. It helps me to take a break from logging and being super disciplined all the time. Now I'm just maintaining and continuing to build muscle so I don't necessarily need to lose any more weight. I get right back on my plan after the off days. Personally for me, I leave a few hundred extra calories a day to help me on my off days. My trainer has me eating a lot of calories though so I can do this and not be hungry. The allowed "off" days, which usually fall on weekends or holidays help me a lot. I had one Saturday where I had two Christmas parties so that was a scheduled "off" day for me. I definitely allow myself more "off" days during the holiday season but as long as I get right back on track and not gaining weight, I'm o.k. with that. This has been working for me so far!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm eating what I want. Mostly my goals are to not miss a workout. That's more important for my goals.
  • KGRebelRanch
    KGRebelRanch Posts: 109 Member
    I eat the foods I only get once a year-pie, homemade candy, dressing, etc. and steer clear of what I can have any old day like rolls, sweet potato, gravy, etc.

    This usually means three square meals made of pie. Circle meals? Hmm....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    same way I survive every other day of the year.

    Have sex

    lather rinse repeat.
  • SkFarmMom
    SkFarmMom Posts: 46 Member
    Started THMing my eating habits a couple weeks ago. My biggest temptations have always been the chocolate-fest that happens at Christmas. Well stocked up on rich, dark, silky "skinny chocolate"...indulging in whipping cream laden, stevia sweetened, hot chocolate. ..and if I face any exceptional temptations that I can't sufficiently satisfy with "on plan" foods, then I plan to indulge in moderation. :wink: After all, it's Christmas!
  • janicept77
    I just restarted going to the gym frequently after being lazy for the past year. The old me would have put it off until after the holidays but no time like the present. I work as a PT in nursing homes so I know what you mean about treats. One of our therapist just started a new hobby of baking every Sunday then bringing the stuff in to work. I did so good today - two Oreo truffles, ate one this am and took one home for later.
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    same way I survive every other day of the year.

    Have sex

    lather rinse repeat.

    Excellent routine...might want to step up the sex to 2 a days for the holidays though, for the cardio benefit of course ;)