just started for a better me

Hi im jeremy been through the up and down on weight lose. My heaviest was 303 down to 271 but i think i maybe losing weight to quick i lost 19 pounds in 21 days is that normal when you a heathy diet i keepmy calories around 1500 with high protien meals.


  • Hi Jeremy! I lost a lot of weight at first, too - around 15 lbs within three weeks. Sometimes it's water weight. So chug a LOT of water to see how your progress does or doesn't change.

    Welcome & keep up the good work. :)
  • jjsilcox96
    jjsilcox96 Posts: 63 Member
    Thats what i was thinking im trying to do it right this time around. Last time i dieted i lost 60 pounds in 90 days for cage fighting but when i was done gained all of it back plus 20
  • jjsilcox96
    jjsilcox96 Posts: 63 Member
    And thank you for your encouragement