I'm a vegan and it's starting to get hard.



  • BoutThatBass
    Eggs can be consumed ethically, if you have access to organic/free-range eggs. (Another option, if you live in a place where this is possible, is to get eggs from a local farm or farmer's market - they're not always "certified humane" or "certified organic" because it can be expensive for a smaller farm to obtain the certification, but the farms are usually run in more ethical/animal-friendly ways than traditional factory farming.)

    I don't mean this post to argue with your ethics around food, and I respect the h%ll out of folks who live a vegan lifestyle because it IS hard, but the fact is, you have a lot of challenges on your plate right now when it comes to food and health, and you should give yourself permission to make the compromises you need to make (like eating ethically-sourced eggs, maybe) to get and stay physically healthy.
  • Opha30
    Opha30 Posts: 15 Member
    Pretty much what other people have said - I use vegan protein powder (I really love Growing Naturals vanilla - 25 grams of protein per scoop and only 120 calories, throw some spinach and fruit in a blender) and have a smoothie every day, I make my own seitan, sprinkle hemp seeds on salads - I have a ton of fun with vegan cooking and like the site "Oh She Glows" a lot for different ideas.

    I've also discovered that logging from accurate sources is important, some sources omit the protein that's in vegetables.

    At the end of the day and what's most important - you have to make choices that are healthy for your body and your mind. That might include eggs from happy chickens as other people have recommended.
  • itzabellaa
    itzabellaa Posts: 7 Member
    I use vegan protein powder too (Plant Fusion) - a scoop in a morning green smoothie helps a lot.