So...How many calories should I be eating??

dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
edited December 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been posting often lately, but I am starting to get incredibly discouraged and desperate at this point for some sort of movement in my numbers even though I have been at this for the last 2.5 years, tracking with MFP.

I have not lost any weight, or inches in the last 3 months...going onto 4 in a few weeks.

I am 5'7, female. I started at 250lbs and now I am down to 168lbs, aiming for 140lbs-150lbs. I lift weights about 2x per week, 45 mins. Cardio 3x per week, 30-45 mins. This is typically my minimum. I occasionally do HIIT as well.

Right now I am eating at 2000 calories per day, since MOST DAYS I burn between 2200-2500 calories (based on my Body Media). I checked out scooby's TDEE calculator the other day, and noticed that I am right in the middle in terms of my caloric intake. I think I am currently at a
-15% deficit.

So, should I decrease my calories and remain at -20%? Am I too close to my goal for this? Should I increase my calories and go with a -10%? -5%?

I really really really DO NOT want to go low/no carb, since I find I can hardly function without them, though I am thinking being closer to goal - it is drastic but possibly essential? I also have a ton of fat on my body still, so I need to remain in a deficit.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you aren't losing weight then you need to cut more calories. Real world results and all...
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    So how low is too low? Would 1500 be too aggressive at this point?
  • meddick92
    meddick92 Posts: 4
    edited December 2014
    As Wolfman said above, you're gonna need to lower calories. I'm guessing that the Body Media may be overestimating how much you're burning a day. And you have to remember that regardless of what the calculators say, they are just estimates. Tracking your body weight response to a certain intake is the best way to find out for sure if it's too high and clearly in this case, it is.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You are eating more calories than you need. Notch it down 100 a day and see if that helps.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    I would suggest cutting your calories by 100-150 a day - a modest cut - and check your results in 4 weeks.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I bet you are starting to look really good.
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    When you hit a plateau something needs to change ... it is not always as simple as cutting your calories (although this typically works), it could be changing the intensity of your workout(s) ... in addition to that it could be changing what makes up those 2000 calories, you dont necessarily need to go 'low carb' but you could reduce your carbs, or sugars and increase your fats and burn more.
    Feel free to add me if you want to talk more about it :)
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I use the Scooby calculator too and eat somewhere between 1,500-1,550 a day and my workouts are similar to yours. I'd do like the others say and drop down a bit and reassess in four weeks.
  • grantevans11
    grantevans11 Posts: 114 Member
    brosis85 wrote: »
    When you hit a plateau something needs to change ... it is not always as simple as cutting your calories (although this typically works), it could be changing the intensity of your workout(s) ... in addition to that it could be changing what makes up those 2000 calories, you dont necessarily need to go 'low carb' but you could reduce your carbs, or sugars and increase your fats and burn more.
    Feel free to add me if you want to talk more about it :)

    I second that, up your fats but ensure they are unsaturated fat, can find these in things like almonds. Lower your carbs, and opt for the wholemeal option. Try a 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat macro breakdown before cutting the calories and see how you get on.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    You shouldn't cut calories below 1200, but for anything above that, if you aren't losing weight, then you need to cut calories.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I wasn't losing for about a month while eating 1900-2200 cals regularly so I made the choice to lower my max to 1700. I ended up dropping 4.5 shortly after. I sometimes eat less, sometimes a bit more (like yesterday I ate over 2,000 because I just felt hungry). You need to change something if you are not losing but still want to lose. :) Good luck! You can do it!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If you aren't losing weight then you need to cut more calories. Real world results and all...
    I would suggest cutting your calories by 100-150 a day - a modest cut - and check your results in 4 weeks.
    And yep again.
  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    Your scale is the best calorie calculator.