Newbie. Need motivation help.

Hello. I am new here. I have about 50 lbs to lose. I am 5 ft 3 in tall and weigh 187 lbs. I hate being this fat but I cannot stick to a diet to save my life. I just don't have the will power or motivation. I do so good for most of the day then fail in the evenings. I know what I need to do but have trouble sticking to it. I know all I need to do is get rid of sugar but I think im addicted to it. I have depression and add and I think the sugar gives me a high and helps with my depression and add although temporarily. Does anyone have any advice?


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Are you treating the depression with counseling or medication? That's a good place to start. Look for a cognitive behavioral therapist.
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    there are foods you can eat that are supposed to help cut down on the bing eating and cravings for sugary or sweet foods.

    you should try them out and see if it helps curb your appetite in the evenings. also try drinking more water all day long (as sometimes when you are hungry it is actually your body telling you you are a little dehydrated).

    read this:

    that might help you. i'm in the middle of studying for a robotics final so i can't really check the veracity of the article so do some digging yourself.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Hello. I am new here. I have about 50 lbs to lose. I am 5 ft 3 in tall and weigh 187 lbs. I hate being this fat but I cannot stick to a diet to save my life. I just don't have the will power or motivation. I do so good for most of the day then fail in the evenings. I know what I need to do but have trouble sticking to it. I know all I need to do is get rid of sugar but I think im addicted to it. I have depression and add and I think the sugar gives me a high and helps with my depression and add although temporarily. Does anyone have any advice?

    I have struggled with similar issues. Here's what has worked for me: I started tracking my calories and I use my calories like a budget. If I want a cookie and I have enough calories left, I eat the cookie. Or I put it off until tomorrow.

    I have also learned to be hungry. I go most of the say without eating and save almost all of my calories for the evening (this works for my job, if you have an active job it might not work for you). Being hungry is not the worst feeling in the world. You get used to it.

    Finally, if you can't forgo eating all day and you find yourself wanting something at night, either go make yourself a cup of tea or chew on celery or other veggies. Not giving in to your cravings takes practice. You might want to find something to do with your hands at night too.

    Good luck!

  • txteachermom
    txteachermom Posts: 83 Member
    ok, until about a week ago, I was you. I was logging on this site, but not really counting calories or anything, and eating whatever I wanted. I had no desire to work out, and was unhappy with myself but unwilling to change it.

    What finally happened was that last Wednesday, I went on a food binge. After work, I was starving. Keep in mind, I had eaten breakfast and lunch, and 2 snacks during the day. I stopped and got fast food, then still ate dinner. I went over my calories by like 2000 that day, and I already have an allotment of 2200! That was a wake up call for me that I needed to do better. Especially given that I've recently started having some health issues that my doctor and I are in the process of diagnosing. I have had swelling, pre-hypertensive blood pressure, and now my doctor thinks I possibly have thyroid issues. My family has a history of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity - and I don't want to be like them.

    So I set a goal for myself to take it one day at a time. I finally accepted and acknowledged the number on the scale. I decided to consistently track and log my calories and to stay under my calorie goal. Finally, I decided to walk 10,000 steps a day. I have been doing this in small increments, 15 minutes here and there, every day, and I'm finding it pretty easy and I feel absolutely great about myself.

    I'm still eating things I enjoy, but making sure that I account for those things in my calorie goals for the day. If I have pizza, then maybe I don't need an ice cream bar. I'm making healthier snack choices, drinking more water, and I'm actually finding myself to be LESS hungry.

    Anyhow, hope this has been helpful! Feel free to add me if you need a friend/accountability partner!
  • lorreefleming5
    lorreefleming5 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am getting treatment for the depression and add. I am on meds. I also have a lot of hormone and thyroid issues that are being watched and I am on medication for as well. I take about 8 different medications for these issues. I am sure if I lost weight I could cut back on some of my meds. that should be motivation enough but its not. I really don't eat much during the day, like I said I am good during the day but in the evening I seem to eat too much. I have used this app before and was tracking my food intake for awhile and was doing well and actually under my 1200 calorie budget but didn't lose a pound. I wonder if I don't eat enough and my body is hanging on to the fat. I don't exercise much and I don't work. If I do exercise its just walking. I know I need to add exercise but that I am not motivated to do either. Id appreciate some help with motivation. Thanks.