Need a SERIOUS Accountability Partner for the Long Haul!

Hi! I love MFP and all of my friends on here! I couldn't do this without ya! I am hoping to find someone that is truly willing to go this journey with me personally. What I mean is daily check ins with each other even as far as IM;ing each other throughout day if need be. (I can do this b/c I work at a computer all day).

I would love to find someone that has been successful and on their way but I will be glad just to have someone that is really serious about doing this! I am 42, female and have ALOT of weight to lose but love working out and figuring this thing out. I would prefer a female friend on this one. :)

So if you need me then I am sure I need you!



  • sosborne73
    sosborne73 Posts: 106
    I am here if you want. I am 37 going to be 38 this September. Female. Mother of 2 teens. Need to lose around 78lbs but, taking it at 10lb intervals. Send me a friend request if you are up for it.
  • melissaogdenrhode
    i'm getting back into my journey too...just had my 2nd child 3 weeks ago and i'm ready to get back into shedding the weight i gained and then some (about 50-60 pounds in total) Having a buddy in this would be great.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I'm 43 and need to lose about 80 so I'm right there with you. I have 1 "tween" and a 21 year old and we are all over weight. My daughter and I are doing this together and my son is losing as a matter of consequence "on account of I cook all our meals" LOL. My BFF and I used to text each other when we were lacing up for walks on our treadmills and that worked for us for a while. I'm game to give this a try :)
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member