What is this Insanity?

cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello! I just wondered, I am seeing everbody talk about Insanity and have not heard of it! Could somebody please explain it to me? I looked it up on-line and sort of have an idea but would like some feedback from those who have done/tried it. I'm pretty stingy so I'm feeling a little put off by the price of these DVDs especially if I don't know if it would work or not! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    Insanity, P90x, ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire.....

    take your pic!! The price is worth it.... believe us!!
  • Its probably one of the hardest work outs you will ever do. Check it out. Its guaranteed to have sweat pouring off your body.:smile:
  • kminrovic
    kminrovic Posts: 2 Member
    Insanity is a HIGH intensity cardio workout...no equiptment needed. Most workouts you basically spend 2-3 minutes doing intense cardio moves and then get a 30 second rest inbetween sets. Each workout starts off with a pretty intese warm-up and stretch and then moves into the workouts. Each workout has its own purpose ....Pure Cardio is basically 15 minutes of pure cardio moves, no 30 second rests, Cardio Power & Resistance you use your body weight a lot in push ups, tricep dips, squats etc...I can't speak for month 2 because I'm not there yet but I hope that helps! If you enjoy pushing yourself and doing high intensity cardio this is an awesome workout!
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    It's a workout program that lasts for 60 days. You work out 6 days a week for 30 minutes for the first month and then the workouts increase to 45 minutes in the second month. You get one day off a week throughout the whole program. The workouts don't require any equipment but you should be prepared for tons of jumping, squats and push-ups. The program also comes with a diet plan that is a high protein low fat diet that you would see with any of the programs like it. I have had a lot of friends who have done it and am actually about to start it myself. From having seen the workouts they look, well for lack of a better word: insane! The program from what I have seen in friends works, the biggest problem (as with any at home system) is staying committed and finishing it....most of the people I know were done after the 3-4 week mark. Another thing that I have noted with female friends of mine is that if you are concerned with the number on the scale, it is hard to stay motivated because you are working at building muscle so your body shape is changing, but not necessarily your body weight.

    Definitely looks like something to challenge yourself with! Also, I know a couple of people who picked up copies on e-bay for half the price of buying it direct!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I'll try not to be mean today, I'll try not to be mean today, I'll try not to be mean today.. :explode:
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    Definitely worth the money. This workout is intense like no other!
  • Cboyd82
    Cboyd82 Posts: 1
    I have Insanity an started it again about 2 weeks ago, I had previously started it an lasted 2 months but w/ work and all got to busy to finish it. The title fits it is very insane but well worth the money, i could see a big inprovement in myself i toned up quick, had lots of energy etc... When you first start insanity you will be very sore but it goes away after a week or so each workout is about 45 min long that include a 20 min warmup it is tough at first but well worth it in the end.....
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I did it for the first time last night and it kicked my *kitten*. Be prepared to work hard and intensely.
  • ratajck
    ratajck Posts: 4 Member
    I just started Insanity yesterday...I have previously done P90x and loved it. I have taken some time off in between so wish me luck....I'll need it!
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