Runners please help

A little background, I ran track and cross country in middle and high school, so I'm not a complete stranger to it, but I haven't ran in about 10 years, so I am definitely not in running shape. I have been doing turbo fire for the last 6 weeks so I have been cardio training pretty hard, and before that was turbo jam and other workouts. I decided I want to run again, so I signed myself up for a 5k in July. I have 10 weeks until the race and I want to train hard. I have heard a lot about the C25K but it seems a little bit too novice. This morning I ran for the first time. I did a 5 minute walk, 10 min jog, 2 min walk, 10 min jog, then finished with 3 min walk for a total of 30 min. (A lot of that was uphill)
I need some training tips, advice, and also some suggestions on good running shoes. I have some old nike running shoes that are beat all up and I am in serious need of some running shoes! I can't spend tons of money so something reasonable please! Nothing over $100.

Thanks in advance for you all your help!


  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    For shoes, go to a running store and get fitted for the right ones, many models are under $100. If you can't get them at the running store for that much, get the model that you like and shop online.

    Sounds like you know what you're doing, training-wise, for the most part. Just be consistent and keep getting out there, doing your best each time. 3-4 runs per week at first so you don't get injured. Congrats on the upcoming race! You'll do great!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I love my Brooks Adrenaline GTS running shoes. My feet are so comfortable and never hurt when I'm jogging in them. I have no advice on the running, I did the C25K, but haven't actually run a 5K. I did it to get into shape and it worked really, really well for me.
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    For shoes, go to a running store and have them analyze your stride to see what type of shoes you need, and then find a pair that fits well. If the price is too high, you can try and find them cheaper online (try looking for older versions of the same shoe). I usually pay the local store's prices once to reward them for their help in picking a shoe, and then I get subsequent pairs online.

    For the training, it sounds like you're taking the right approach for now.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    You could try the C25k starting at week 5 or 6 or later, and then move onto the bridge to 10k app
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I am currently running the ragnar in july. which is a 187 mile relay that 12 of us run as a team... They have a pretty good training schedule to go off of.. you can pick between beginner or intermediate..

    I just ran 50 minutes non stop on saturday, so its a pretty good little training schedule. Here is the link..

    I printed the schedule off and started at week nine.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I would do what Kirtsy said. c25k and start at week 5 or 6. the app c25klite is free and awesome! Good luck!
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    You could try the C25k starting at week 5 or 6 or later, and then move onto the bridge to 10k app

    Excellent suggestion. I know the workouts in C25K seem so insignificant compared to the workouts you probably used to do, but remember, it's been a while and your body needs to catch back up and be reminded what it's supposed to feel like. You're probably not starting from the absolute beginning, but give yourself some time before jumping into any mile repeats :)
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    i need to find a good pair as well. I registered for my first 5k at the end of the month and always have trouble with shoes.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Thanks all :)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The good news is that if you have been a runner before it comes back very quickly. Keep doing what you're doing and you should be running three miles in about two to three weeks. Should be running fairly easily within five weeks. Getting the old speed back will take some work though.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    You may be able to go right into bridge to 10k. Here's the workout schedule:

    Each workout includes a 5 minute warmup walk and 5 minute cooldown walk

    Week 1 Duration: 53 min.
    Run 10 min/walk 1 min Repeat x 4.

    Week 2 Duration: 57 min.
    Run 15 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 3 Duration: 63 min.
    Run 17 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 4 Duration: 66 min.
    Run 18 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 5 Day 1: Duration: 55 min. Run 22 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.Day 2: Duration: 61 min. Run 25 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.Day 3: Duration: 71 min. Run 30 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.

    Week 6 Duration: 70 min.
    Run 60 min.
  • chrish1981
    chrish1981 Posts: 156
    Hubby runs and he gets shin splints like WHOA.

    STRETCH YOUR CALVES REALLY WELL!! It always helps his.

    Aasics are amazing shoes for running; that's what I always buy him.
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    For roads, I really like my Asics, and I can usually find a pair in last year's colors at a discount shoe store for under $40. For trails, Merril makes a really nice boot/shoe crosstrainer. A quick Google search will give you multiple training plans for many different levels. Just find a couple that you like and adapt them to your own schedule/needs.

    After a running hiatus, I like to ease myself back in with a treadmill (which I HATE). This makes me focus on my form and breathing, without allowing me to stop as often. It's also a bit nicer on the joints.

    Congrats for jumping back in!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Wow! I thought I was reading my own biography! Haha. Except I haven't purchased Turbo Fire yet, but it is in the works. I am starting the C25K today actually. I am going to start from the beginning although it doesn't seem to harsh, just to get back into the groove of running. And plus I am also doing JM 30DS so I don't want to kill myself. Add me if you'd like! =) Good luck.