Ready to go Insane!



  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    My first fit test is :

    Switch Kicks - 96
    Power Jacks - 38
    Power Knees - 59
    Power Jumps - 41
    Globe Jumps - 8
    Suicide jumps - 16
    Push up Jacks - 12
    Low Plank Obliques - 24

    As you see not that good but will be better next time !
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Round 2, Day 1 Fit Test Results:

    Swicth Kicks: 36
    Power Jacks: 36
    Power Knees: 50
    Power Jumps: 20
    Globe Jumps: 6
    Suicide Jumps: 7
    Push-Up Jacks 21
    Low Plank Oblique: 30

    Fit Test = Unfit :laugh:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Bumping to follow everyone's progress (and get the courage to give this a go!) :)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Bumping to follow everyone's progress (and get the courage to give this a go!) :)

    Why wouldn't you give it a go. You don't need courage. What you have already accomplish should provide you with the courage you need. Join us....
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Holy poop.....the warm-up was a workout itself!!!!! Insanity Day 2 in the books!!!

    question....what should my heart rate get to? i know he says check heart rate whats a safe heart rate?
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi alliej,

    I found this on WebMD:

    When you exercise, your body speeds up, and so does your heart as it works to meet your increased energy needs. But how much speeding-up of your heart is safe when you exercise? You need the answer to this question in order to maximize your exercise benefits while not overworking your heart.

    Your target heart rate isn't one rate but a range of rates (beats per minute, or bpm), expressed as percentages of your maximum heart rate, that are safe for you to reach during exercise. For most healthy people, the American Heart Association recommends an exercise target heart rate ranging from 50% to 75% of your maximum heart rate, which is normally calculated as the number 220 minus your age.

    I don't check my heart rate, but try and listen to my body. When I started my chest became very heavy and I could barely catch my breath. I took a lot more breaks back then!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Insanity Day 2 is done and that was crazy!!!! I forgot how hard Plyometric Circuit was. Holy Cow!!!
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Just finished Plyo Cardio Circuit. Boy it's never easy to get through it. Those Level 1 drills get me every time. But I'm done now so I can look forward to tomorrow!

    Great job everyone!!!
  • Rrivera08
    Rrivera08 Posts: 4
    I was sick for a few days so I'm a little behind on the Insanity calendar, but I did complete the 2nd Fit test and almost doubled my results!! Personally I don't "see" a difference just yet..but I sure do feel it. ( I'm able to keep up a lot longer without needing so much rest!) The only thing I'm worried about is my knee. My left knee has been hurting and I'm hoping I don't do anything to make it worse.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I was sick for a few days so I'm a little behind on the Insanity calendar, but I did complete the 2nd Fit test and almost doubled my results!! Personally I don't "see" a difference just yet..but I sure do feel it. ( I'm able to keep up a lot longer without needing so much rest!) The only thing I'm worried about is my knee. My left knee has been hurting and I'm hoping I don't do anything to make it worse.

    A lot of people don't see any significant changes until the Max Phase. So keep digging deep and it will happen.
  • tinytini
    tinytini Posts: 7
    I'm new... what's Insanity?
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Insanity is a 60 day workout that will get you in the best shape of your life!Join me on the journey!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Insanity Day 3 is in the books. Today was Cardio Power & Resistance and I really like this workout. I really feel like I get a good full body work out. I am totally spent and drinking my P90X Results and Recovery Shake. Since Allie and I are doing this together we are starting to fly through it. Guess I am going to have to order more.
  • Rrivera08
    Rrivera08 Posts: 4
    I was sick for a few days so I'm a little behind on the Insanity calendar, but I did complete the 2nd Fit test and almost doubled my results!! Personally I don't "see" a difference just yet..but I sure do feel it. ( I'm able to keep up a lot longer without needing so much rest!) The only thing I'm worried about is my knee. My left knee has been hurting and I'm hoping I don't do anything to make it worse.

    A lot of people don't see any significant changes until the Max Phase. So keep digging deep and it will happen.

    Thanks for the motivation! I have been taking a couple days off because of my knee but I'm still pushing and next week is finally my recovery week. Today is Pure Cardio and I actually like to mix it up and do Pure Cardio with AB Ripper X instead of the Cardio abs. Can't wait for the Max phase.. ( I say that
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Just finished Plyo Cardio Circuit. Boy it's never easy to get through it. Those Level 1 drills get me every time. But I'm done now so I can look forward to tomorrow!

    Great job everyone!!!

    It's all about the Level 3 and All Body drills...
  • NikkiRae830
    NikkiRae830 Posts: 1 Member
    I started insanity last week also. I'm really out of shape but I try and work through. I've had the insanity program since it came out but it was just collecting dust. I've finally gotten the courage to give it a go.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I started insanity last week also. I'm really out of shape but I try and work through. I've had the insanity program since it came out but it was just collecting dust. I've finally gotten the courage to give it a go.

    Good job, welcome to the thread!!!