Not new but would love more company, especially those with lots to lose!

I started here back in mid August and have been very successful so far. I have made a lot of great friends along the way but am always looking for more, and maybe even some to connect a bit closer with. I love looking at the bright side of things and watching others work hard to make their dreams come true and helping as much as possible along the way. I'm just about 30 pounds down with another 65 to go and would love to share support and encouragement with all who need/want it.


  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    I'm down almost 40 on my way to 80 or so... happy to help with support and encouragement, feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    request sent!
  • Lillyrose125
    Lillyrose125 Posts: 33 Member
    Me too! I'm down 65 pounds since last May and have another 45 to 50 pounds to go!

  • bldeno
    bldeno Posts: 7 Member
    Me too! I joined in 2009 and never used the site.. used lose it at the beginning of this year.. but strayed from it in may and gained the 30 lbs i lost back. I would love to lose 100 lbs though i dont see that ever happening. :( Hoping to at least lose 50 within the next year or so! looking for a good support team! :)
  • rendash49221
    rendash49221 Posts: 39 Member
    edited December 2014
    I just joined a month ago. I lost 50 lbs on my own before I started back to old habits. I've lost 6 since joining and have 80 more to go. Really looking to build a support team here. Feel free to add me!
  • PudgyPanda91
    PudgyPanda91 Posts: 72 Member
    I've been on and quit a few times, but this time I'm really committed! Always looking to add to my support system! I have about 65ish pounds to lose, depending on how I feel when I get down there.
  • Im new here and looking to lose 75 pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Started in spri g. Lost about 31 lbs. halfway thru. Still going. Feel free to add me if you're serious about committing and log dailythru.
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    New here, need friends, lots to lose
  • audreyanderson4
    audreyanderson4 Posts: 245 Member
    feel free to add me :)
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    Hey there. Lost 110 lbs so far about 80 left to go. Add me if you'd like :D
  • Not new, but haven't been here in a while. Have 100 lbs to lose. Add me to your friends.
  • Serendipity5215
    Serendipity5215 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi there! I have around 120 lbs. to lose and plan to be here... well, forever :) Congrats on your loss so far ~ you're doing great!!