Info between Bodymedia Fit armband and MFP not syncing...why...?

I have been using MFP for quite some time and recently got a Bodymedia Fit armband to help in my program due to the fact it took my food info from MFP, and also put my info from the armband into MFP. It worked fine for a few weeks then on and off for a month now. It seems that the excercise info is sent to MFP but it is not pulling my food info from MFP to update my bodymedia information.
What seems to be the problem, is it on MFP end not giving the info, or is it on Bodymedias end not putting the info it is getting up on their information site.
They say to reset the armband but that isn't the problem obviously because it is sending the info to MFP.
Any help would be appreciated.
And yes I have on many occasion unlinked and relinked the apps.


  • kangapickel
    Mine is not syncing either. However, if you unlink and then relink it will transfer my exercise over to MFP but my calories eaten are not going over to Bodymedia.
  • rosy_08
    rosy_08 Posts: 51 Member
    There are other posts on here with people complaining about it. Mine started with only a problem on calories consumed and has only gotten worse as the month has progressed. Now it's rarely syncing calories burned accurately, if at all. It's highly frustrating, especially since we have to pay a fee for BodyMedia! Make sure you contact both companies. Hopefully they can find a solution soon...
  • happened to me when I first got the armband, contact a few time to BodyMedia resulted in them asking to relink band which doesn't seem to be the problem. I get the excercise in MFP from body but it seems it can't pick up the food log. Hard to figure where the blame lies but hopefully they will fix it soon.
  • jaylm78
    I've contacted Bodymedia customer support. I was informed though Jawbone acquired Bodymedia that for now Bodymedia services would continue indefinitely. But Jawbone is no longer going to produce any new Body Buggs. I don't know if this has anything to do with Bodymedia and MFP not syncing. I have also noticed that when I connect the Body Bugg a notification window pops up saying there's an error with auto-updates.

    Correction: As I typed this post I re-connected the Body Bugg and the error message is gone and now reads that the bug/software is up to date.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    During the 16 months I had my BodyMedia armband there would periodically be syncing problems. They were usually quite temporary and straightened themselves out. You can try unlinking and relinking, sometimes that works but not always.
  • jaylm78
    All the posts I've seen thus far describing unlinking and re-linking the apps ended several months ago. I believe no one can sync the apps anymore.
  • ddye26
    ddye26 Posts: 10 Member
    I am having the same problem. My activity uploads to MFP, however the nutrition data from MFP does not show up on Bodymedia's app.

    Jawbone did acquire Bodymedia, and Jawbone is set to release their newest product Jawbone UP3 within the next few weeks. I wonder if this new release may be an indicator that as new products are rolled out, support and software updates will not apply to the older products and they would eventually be phased out. I hope I'm wrong on this one though!
  • tmoser512
    tmoser512 Posts: 28 Member
    Mine worked yesterday after I unlinked and relinked in MFP and my BodyMedia dashboard on the computer. It doesn't seem to be working today though.