Having trouble losing weight now - how did you over come / what are your fitness routines?

blackmothra Posts: 9
edited December 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone!
I know everyone hits this part in their journey: when you've lost a bulk amount of weight, but can't seem to shake any more off and in some cases you still have much more weight to lose! I go to the gym frequently and try to get 40 minutes of cardio in, burning around 300 calories - 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the stationary bike. Whenever I go to the gym it seems like I never lose a thing from it. I went all through out last year and didn't drop anything! In the summer I had broken my foot and was unable to eat too regularly, and thats when I lost a shocking 7 pounds.
If you've had this problem, what did you do to fix it or to shake it off? I'm currently maintaining my weight between 196-200lbs. My starting weight 2 years ago was 235. I have read that sometimes you must eat more calories to be able to burn more, but I'm afraid to eat more things as obviously eating is what got me where I am. I also seem unable to do cardio for long and keep needing breaks - its a struggle to just do 20 on the elliptical! I have to take frequent breaks.
Thank you to any one who answers, you're all doing great!



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    When you lose weight your calorie needs are less, you need to re-evualte your new calorie deficit.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If so, where do you get the estimation from? What % do you eat back?

    I'd recommend opening up your diary. You'll get more people to give you help, and get a better level of help if we can see what your day is like.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    You do have to fuel your workouts, but if you're doing less than an hour, that's not really an issue. What is likely happening is that you are just eating too much. Because of your injury, is it likely that you don't move as much as most people, so what you think you are burning is less than what you are. Reduce the amount you are eating and you should see weight loss.
  • blackmothra
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If so, where do you get the estimation from? What % do you eat back?

    I'd recommend opening up your diary. You'll get more people to give you help, and get a better level of help if we can see what your day is like.

    Oh thank you! I haven't regularly been tracking, so that's what I'm also working on so that I can see how much a day I'm regularly eating. If anything I am probably eating them back from dinner - it's more than easy to eat back 300 calories. Maybe I should try to burn more?
    I had also read that sometimes you simply need to eat more calories so when you burn more your body isn't over using.
  • blackmothra
    You do have to fuel your workouts, but if you're doing less than an hour, that's not really an issue. What is likely happening is that you are just eating too much. Because of your injury, is it likely that you don't move as much as most people, so what you think you are burning is less than what you are. Reduce the amount you are eating and you should see weight loss.
    It's been 5 months from the injury, while the foot aches, I was given clearance to begin exercising again. Even though I haven't been regularly tracking I know I haven't been eating a lot, I eat maybe twice a day (I know thats bad! eating small regular meals makes me binge so much more though), with dinner being the biggest meal. I think I eat around 1,200-1,500 so there is still room for cutting.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    A lot f people report that they eat a little more for a few days or a week and en, they go back to what they'd been doing and start losing again. It seems to be the popular way to break a plateau, so you can try it if you want.

    Other people say they keep doing the same thing and eventually they just start losing again. Mone person who lost like 300 pounds said they had a five month plateau, but stuck with it and began losing again. Five months of hanging in there might be more patience than I'd have, but they did it.

    I don't know the secret, but it's fun to try things out and see how they work. :)
  • blackmothra
    Kalikel wrote: »
    A lot f people report that they eat a little more for a few days or a week and en, they go back to what they'd been doing and start losing again. It seems to be the popular way to break a plateau, so you can try it if you want.

    Other people say they keep doing the same thing and eventually they just start losing again. Mone person who lost like 300 pounds said they had a five month plateau, but stuck with it and began losing again. Five months of hanging in there might be more patience than I'd have, but they did it.

    I don't know the secret, but it's fun to try things out and see how they work. :)

    Thanks for the reply!
    Yeah I was wondering if maybe I need to eat a little more so I can try to burn more with out worrying that my body may not enough calories afterwards or something :neutral_face:

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If so, where do you get the estimation from? What % do you eat back?

    I'd recommend opening up your diary. You'll get more people to give you help, and get a better level of help if we can see what your day is like.

    Oh thank you! I haven't regularly been tracking, so that's what I'm also working on so that I can see how much a day I'm regularly eating. If anything I am probably eating them back from dinner - it's more than easy to eat back 300 calories. Maybe I should try to burn more?
    I had also read that sometimes you simply need to eat more calories so when you burn more your body isn't over using.

    If you aren't tracking, then you're eating more than you think.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2014
    Can you open your food diary? Do you weigh your food with a scale?
  • mmabrey6
    TRACK YOUR CALORIES WITH FOOD LOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • blackmothra
    psulemon wrote: »
    Can you open your food diary? Do you weigh your food with a scale?
    I haven't tracked for the past month so there won't be much to see unfortunately :(
    What is every one's gym routine?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If so, where do you get the estimation from? What % do you eat back?

    I'd recommend opening up your diary. You'll get more people to give you help, and get a better level of help if we can see what your day is like.

    Oh thank you! I haven't regularly been tracking, so that's what I'm also working on so that I can see how much a day I'm regularly eating. If anything I am probably eating them back from dinner - it's more than easy to eat back 300 calories. Maybe I should try to burn more?
    I had also read that sometimes you simply need to eat more calories so when you burn more your body isn't over using.

    If you aren't tracking, then you're eating more than you think.

    ^^Yep. I'd assume you're eating at maintenance if you're not logging, and that's why you're not losing. Tighten up your logging, give it a few weeks and see what happens.

    Mix in some lifting with your cardio to help out with body comp, make sure you're logging is on point, and there you go.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If so, where do you get the estimation from? What % do you eat back?

    I'd recommend opening up your diary. You'll get more people to give you help, and get a better level of help if we can see what your day is like.

    Oh thank you! I haven't regularly been tracking, so that's what I'm also working on so that I can see how much a day I'm regularly eating. If anything I am probably eating them back from dinner - it's more than easy to eat back 300 calories. Maybe I should try to burn more?
    I had also read that sometimes you simply need to eat more calories so when you burn more your body isn't over using.

    And there's your problem. Weight loss starts in the kitchen. Start logging and figuring out your deficit. Exercise will not make up for a bad diet.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psulemon wrote: »
    Can you open your food diary? Do you weigh your food with a scale?
    I haven't tracked for the past month so there won't be much to see unfortunately :(
    What is every one's gym routine?

    And there is the problem. You are eating more than you think. At this point, you have to address the fundamental flaws first (log your food daily and get a scale). Once you address accuracy and consistency, we can address other issues.

    In terms of exercise, it is recommended to have some balance between resistance/weight training and cardio.
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    edited December 2014
    Start tracking accurately and honestly, weighing your food with a food scale.
    Read the 'Announcement' posts in this subforum—this is a good starting point; you might also wanna read this. Set an appropriate calorie goal and track every single thing you eat or drink (tracking water, unsweetened herbal teas and spices is optional) for at least a month. Unless you do that, you have really no way of knowing your intake and since you're not losing weight, you're obviously eating at maintenance.

    ETA: I'm too slow :disappointed:
  • blackmothra
    Start tracking accurately and honestly, weighing your food with a food scale.
    Read the 'Announcement' posts in this subforum—this is a good starting point; you might also wanna read this. Set an appropriate calorie goal and track every single thing you eat or drink (tracking water, unsweetened herbal teas and spices is optional) for at least a month. Unless you do that, you have really no way of knowing your intake and since you're not losing weight, you're obviously eating at maintenance.

    ETA: I'm too slow :disappointed:

    Thanks for linking the discussions! I'll look into getting a food scale right away.
    Thank you everyone!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    If you don't know how much you are eating, you can't figure out how much activity you need to keep losing.

    Also as you get fit, your body gets more efficient and you burn less calories in your workouts. That's why switching it up is important. Even just going to a different Zumba class, for example, because the routines will be different.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    As others have said: losing weight is more about what & how much you eat than how you workout. (Though how you workout can be good for fitness, and allow you to eat more.) But that's been covered pretty well...

    You mentioned you can't go for more than 20 minutes on the eliptical. Could be one of 3 things that come to my mind. 1) do you like the elliptical? If not try something else. 2) is it mental? When you get to 20 and think you can't go any further, can you do 1 more minute? Probably. Maybe even another 2. Push thru to increase a little. Do the new time for a week, then add another 1-2 minutes. 3) or try adjusting the intenisty - dial it down a notch and go further. If you could run super fast but for only 30 seconds, or walk at a brisk pace for 30 minutes, you'd probably benefit your body more by doing the brisk walk - just for example.

    I don't regularly do 'gym' work. I have a treadmill, I walk & run outside. That's my cardio 99% of the time. But first and foremost you have to enjoy it to some extent.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    FWIW I started 12-25-13 at 178.5/39 years old/5'5.5". I'd started many times before, and lost my way... This time, the only thing I can say that was truly different - and this pertains to me so may not help you - was realizing I'm lazy and that led to a sedentary lifestyle. That aha! moment meant that from now on, if I'm sedentary its by choice - and I want to be active. Doing rather than sitting back. So now I build activity into my life. I do much more. I think of food as nutrition/fuel first and foremost and make sure to get what I need in terms of protein, veggies, etc. That helps me to not fill up on empty/useless calories.

    Now I'm ~125, surpassed my goal weight (and still trying to get the right mix of calories in to STOP losing) and training for a 1/2 marathon in less than 2 weeks. Yikes! For most of 2014 I ate 1400-1600/day and made sure to get 10k-15k steps per day. Over the summer I went up to 1600-1800. Now, 1900-2000...
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    edited December 2014
    Bottom line, you are eating too much.

    You need to log everything you eat. It's easy to get out of the habit, and when you do, under-estimating calories usually begins, along with impulse eating.

    Don't eat back your calories burned, or only a small portion (enough so you don't go hungry). Most people over estimate their calories burned.

    When you eat, prioritize protein. It should be roughly 25% of your meal. Protein will make you feel full.