tips on zero calorie foods

licha75 Posts: 391 Member
Anyone know any tips on things I can do instead of eating at night. I need to learn how to NOT eat most of my calories at night! I have heard you can chew on ice cubes. And to brush your teeth. :) Any other tips out there for not eating at night?:smile:


  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Have a snack at night. But make yourself wait until a set time for that.

    Get your cals in during the day. Have a good dinner.

    I always have a cup of green tea after dinner. Seems to help curb my appetite. I guess the additional water helps, and i read a study somewhere about tea helping people feel more satisfied.

    Chewing gum seems to help me.
    Brushing teeth, as you already said, is a good one if its close to bed time.

    Or some good snack choices:

    Low cal and packed with water.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Why not just eat most of your calories at night?
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Recently, I have been having a smaller dinner and saving a few calories for later in the evening. My favorite snack is 2 large stalks of celery with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter filling them. It lets me go to sleep without my tummy gnawing at me.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Don't chew on ice cubes. Your dentist will hate you.

    As for not eating late at night, that's not true. We always eat dinner between 8-9pm in my house. It's what you eat that matters if you do eat late at night.
  • heathera1980
    Go to google and look up negative calorie foods! :smile:
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    Chew gum :)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Why not just eat most of your calories at night?

    Agree. Dinner was always my biggest meal and I would also have a nighttime snack of protein powder and milk. I dropped weight fine. And my 10lbs was those "last 10lbs:.
  • starboardzor
    starboardzor Posts: 312
    Why not just eat most of your calories at night?

    Agree. Dinner was always my biggest meal and I would also have a nighttime snack of protein powder and milk. I dropped weight fine. And my 10lbs was those "last 10lbs:.

    I eat a big dinner and a night snack... worked fine for me! Otherwise I'd just be grumpy and that's no fun =)
  • gwendolynr
    gwendolynr Posts: 4
    in order to feel full, you should eat something that has some fat content. reduced calorie ritz crackers with cottage cheese is a great night time snack and makes me feel full! i also eat a couple of hershey's kisses just to satisfy my sweet tooth. my mom always told me to suck on them to make them last longer, and it is a good trick!
  • Roe1968
    Roe1968 Posts: 133
  • ccclay
    ccclay Posts: 28
    I've started to use mouth wash after my meals to resist snacking!
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    I eat about 1/2 of my calories at night and that includes a snack shortly before bed. I wake up at 5 to run and don't eat before that, so I use my night time calories to 'fuel' me. There is no reason to limit night time eating unless you want to!
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    they have dehydrated whole bananas at Trader Joes. Those are real sweet and yummy. I have a 60cal jello snacker, then go upstairs away from the kitchen. If i have the extra calories, i like to take one of those 100cal bags of cookies, and dip them in the pudding snacker. Also skinny cow, makes a killer ice cream cone for 150 cals.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Why not just eat most of your calories at night?

    Agree. Dinner was always my biggest meal and I would also have a nighttime snack of protein powder and milk. I dropped weight fine. And my 10lbs was those "last 10lbs:.

    I eat a big dinner and a night snack... worked fine for me! Otherwise I'd just be grumpy and that's no fun =)

    I also eat most of my calories between after work and bedtime (2-7 PM is that range for me since I work stupid early in the morning and go to bed at 7.)
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I eat about 1/2 of my calories at night and that includes a snack shortly before bed. I wake up at 5 to run and don't eat before that, so I use my night time calories to 'fuel' me. There is no reason to limit night time eating unless you want to!

    Agreed! I usually have dinner around 7 or so, and dinner is usually a pretty decent chunk of my cals for the day, and then I have a snack around 9, and go to bed at 11. I've been doing this since January of this year and it seems to be working just fine, plus I'm NEVER starving, which is pretty amazing.