I'm new, I'm starving, please tell me this works!!

TheGooby Posts: 22
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Started MFP 48 hours ago in a last ditched attempt to lose some weight before I go on holiday with my 17 year old skinny daughter. I have a problem with calorie intake as my sugar levels tend to take a nose dive throughout the day so I have to keep snacking.
I am (almost) sticking to the 1200 cal allowance but this seems very low to me and the programme tells me if I keep it up as I've been going I will only lose a pound a week! How accurate are it's predictions?


  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Well, 1200 is the minimum you should have.....did you calculate your BMR? That will tell you how many calories you should have or you could stick to 1200....everyone does something different....Plus, if you are exercising...you should be eating back the calories that you are burning.....

    BMR Calculator

  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i reset my calories to 1350 a day a year ago and i lost 20 lbs. in 3 months. i also excercised.
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Ive lost 9 lbs since starting mfp....it does work.....you just have to want it! It's worth being hungry believe me! Try eating a couple pickels and downing some water!
  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    With MFP I found that I was eating more and more meat (I'm a guy who likes that). I've lost 42 pounds in just over 4 months. Hang in there. You'll lose weight rather easily with a good, healthy diet and moderate, regular exercise.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Eat tons of veggies then you won't go hungry.
  • nickicaylor
    nickicaylor Posts: 27
    first of all congrats on starting. It will get easier. I have insulin resistance so I understand your struggle. Mu suggestion is too go to settings change your goals and go with a higher protein. go 40% protein, 40 % carbs, 20% fat. honestly you will lose much faster and it will help maintain a constant glucose level through-out the day. Also make sure you are eatting every 3 hours helathy snacks. ie - fruit with a protein, whole grains with a protein. each meal should contain protein and carbs. Good luck and I knwo this works as this is what I am doing. I have lost 17lbs and 10% body fat as I prepare for a figure comp in August. Also - exercise and you will earn calories back, lose faster, and be healthy all around.
  • This really works! Ive been using it for some time and I have seen results! As long as you track it daily, you will receive results. Trust me! It works!:smile:
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am trying to lose a pound a week, and I am allowed 1270/day, but when I exercise I eat back atleast half of my workout calories which brings my total to anywhere from 1300 to 1500. Your body will adjust to the new lifestyle. If you are snacking, just make sure it is healthy. A candy bar won't do any good. I try to eat every 2 to 3 hrs; it works for me. Make sure to get your water as well, it is very important for your body. I have been on this journey for 7 months now, and I have lost almost 40 lbs. Does it work? Yes, with determination and will power.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Im a little bit confused.....mfp tells me my allowance is 1220 per day (not including any exercise cals - which i do eat back most of the time) but it also tells me my BMR is 1370....so surely 1220 is way too low??? :huh:
  • Eiros
    Eiros Posts: 5 Member
    I also have been recommended the 1200 calorie limit but I find I can still lose almost a pound a week on 1300-1400 calories! I guess it just depends on the person. I personally think 1200 is the lowest anyone should go. A few years ago I got to 100lbs on 1300 calories a day (I'm 5'3) so you can still lose weight if you eat more than the recommended.
  • Case0099
    Case0099 Posts: 38 Member
    I take big sips of water after every bite I eat, it really helps me feel fuller faster and longer! Also drink a glass of water before you eat. Popcorn is really filling for me and pretty low in calories, also clif bars are really filling! It gets easier, keep trying!
  • adesaracho
    adesaracho Posts: 3 Member
    I just started as well. I've lost three pounds since last Thursday! So I'm hoping that if I just stick with it and utilize all the tools it will work!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    There's lots of posts on this. You need to stick to whatever MFP told you and if you get exercise make sure you log it so that day you actually eat more calories. Fuel your body. If you go and search you will find lots of resources on here.
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    I am the same way... I have to keep snacking throughout the day also. My sugar goes from 144-2 hours after I eat to 64 an hour later. Mine usually happends around this time.. 2:30-3:00 everyday so I have to make sure I eat around that time. I have lost 7lbs so far with my exercising and the foods I choose to snack on have been getting healthier (IE fruits and Veggies) I have been at it about a month now and it seems to be going pretty good so far. :smile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Im a little bit confused.....mfp tells me my allowance is 1220 per day (not including any exercise cals - which i do eat back most of the time) but it also tells me my BMR is 1370....so surely 1220 is way too low??? :huh:

    It's simple math...you have to eat at a deficit in order to lose weight. Your body makes up the difference in calorie need by burning fat.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    it does work, but it's not a quick fix. it will take hard work, time and patience. but, because of that, you'll have higher chances of keeping the weight off once you shed it. good luck!
  • CKominiak
    CKominiak Posts: 1
    From the plan that I'm on (working with a trainer), there's more to it than this. But I want to pass on something that may give you some insight and make a difference.

    When I'm on my lean down phase (which I'm doing now), my calories are down to 1200; however, I really pay attention to my protein and carb intake. Certain carbs break down easier in the body than others. Obviously complex carbs (i.e. starches, sugars) take more to break down than simple carbs (i.e. vegetables). But there are even different vegetables that can make a difference. To keep this short and sweet...I'll tell you the few carbs I eat during my lean downs (and by the way, I have lost 5 pounds since last week).

    Carbs: Mexican Squash, Spaghetti Squash, yellow squash, zucchini. That's it for veggies. Yes, I could do lettuce for salads, but none of the other veggies that I typically like in my salads, which is why I keep it simple with the squashes (and they break down VERY easy in the body). I also use "Carbo Gain", which is a carb supplement that I put in my protein shakes (twice a day), to make sure I'm getting the amount of carbs I need for the day.

    You may already know some of this, and if you do, my apologies for the long post. Perhaps you also know how to figure out how much protein, carbs, and fats you require daily (which will come to the 1200 calories daily)? All of this will affect what you're able to drop and at what speed. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    In reply regarding the BMR - this is the rate at which your body will burn calories whilst at rest TO STAY THE SAME SHAPE YOU ARE. So for example, my BMR is 1500 because I am heavier and will have to require more than someone skinnier to remain my shape whilst at rest. Losing weight means my BMR will decrease to say 1400 because I will need less calories to retain my shape.

    Hope that helps - (I studied a lil bit of food and nutrition - you would think it would make me know better about eating too much...)
  • dntbb2011
    dntbb2011 Posts: 3 Member
    It does work! Thank goodness. I have lost 8 lbs. I too have to keep to the 1200 calories. It's hard to do, I know. I often supplement it with exercise. I get anywhere between 400 to 650 calories from working out at the gym. This additional cals makes it much easier to get through the day without without going over. I have lost consistenly 2 lbs per week in the last 4 weeks so it is very encouraging.

    May success be yours! Best of lucK!
  • TheGooby
    TheGooby Posts: 22
    Thanks guys that's very encouraging!

    I do try to make sure snacks are healthy ones such as cereal bars or fruit but might give rice cakes a try.

    The only diets that have worked really well for me in the past have been post- natal depression and marriage break up so will persevere and doing it properly!

    Any low fat/sugar, high carb snack suggestions would be gratefully received :drinker:
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