cant seem to get to 30lbs lost!

Im so frustraited with myself right now.. I have been losing weight since Feb 1st and im only down 27lbs everyone says i look GREAT!! but i dont see it in myself!! and i step on the scale and all i wanna do is get to 30lbs lost!! but it wont happen.. I step on the scale every morning and it goes between 268- 270 im annoyed!! Beyond Annoyed!! ive even tried eating crappy on the weekends and gettting back on track on the week days to shock my system!! i really dont know what im doing wrong, I work out at least 3 times a week for 45mins -60 mins each time.. i dont know if im eating the wrong stuff or what!! I need HELP!!!!


  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Since February! You are doing great!
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I am having the exact same problem, stuck at 27 pounds. I understand your frustration. Wish I could offer some helpful advice! Good luck!!
  • SueN113
    SueN113 Posts: 46
    27 lbs in 3 months is awesome! how long have you been on a plateau? You might need to amp up your exercise and be sure to drink enough water! don't get discouraged!
  • AmandaLenn86
    AmandaLenn86 Posts: 57 Member
    Ive been at a stand still for about 2 weeks now.. going back and forth!! I am so upset with myself i should be able to get past this!! :mad:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    You can change up your exercise and food. To keep myself from hitting plateau...I change up my diet (increasing/decreasing calories) every two weeks. I also change my exercise routine so my body can't adapt as quickly. If you've been doing the exact same thing since February, then sounds like your body has adapted and now you're in a plateau. You can change your exercise to a higher intensity, or try intervals. They are great for changing things up...unless that's what you already do.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    To lose that much weight in that short of a time period is AMAZING!! I wish I could lose 27lbs in 3 months!! It took me 9 months to lose 40, so I think you're doing an incredibly awesome job...don't be so hard on yourself!! :)
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I was stuck at 26 lbs lost for 2 months...then I joined MFP started really controlling my calories and the types of foods. Don't get me wrong, I will still eat something if I absolutely want it but I make sure to work out really well so it is counteracted. I can't view your diary to give you much advice other than it truly is a change here and a change there that makes the big differences.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    That's a great loss! I just broke a 120 day plateau, I know it's frustrating.

    So one of these things is happening:

    1- You are not eating enough
    2- You are eating too much

    I ate low calorie for my first 40lbs and it stopped dead. I had to up my calories to get going again. Realistically, 10 lbs a month is a lot, you won't always have that big of a loss. So what are you eating? Feel free to private message me if you want :smile:
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Oh I know the feeling! Although you have lost a hell of a lot more than me, my first mini goal was to get under 168lbs about a month ago and then seemed to hit a plateau. Not only that, I began gaining weigh and it wasnt until this morning that I was back down to 168.2lbs hopefully I will reach my mini goal in the coming days!!

    I was advised to cut down on my carbs to about 100 (I use to have around 170-190). Im down to 120 a day and it really has helped! Maybe you could give it a try!!

    Well done on your weightloss so far!!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    ive even tried eating crappy on the weekends and gettting back on track on the week days to shock my system!! i really dont know what im doing wrong,

    Read those two sentences... or maybe just the first one.

    Now, stop beating yourself up and get on track and do the right things. You need the following to lose weight and keep it off:

    1) CLEAN diet - balanced macros (I like 40/30/30 myself), from colorful vegetables, lean proteins (fish, turkey, chicken), whole grains (stay away from enriched grains and starchy carbs). Keep sugar as low as possible and sodium 1500 mg/day or less. Cut out the fried, junk, sugary, fatty, and processed foods.
    2) Regular cardiovascular exercise at least 30 min, 3x a week (doing intervals will give you faster results)
    3) Strength training - 3 days a week, to preserve lean muscle mass, and boost your fat burning metabolism.
    4) Drink lots of water.

    and lastly...

    5) Patience :flowerforyou:

    To track your success, throw out the scale, buy some measuring tape and take measurements and photos every month.

    Now enjoy yourself, it's a lifestyle change for forever! You will feel better soon, I promise!

    Sorry, but no shortcuts... :sad:

    Edited to add: CONGRATS on your progess so far! You're doing great!
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I finally it 30 lbs today. It took me 7 months to get here, but I'm not complaining :D
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I agree with Wifemom Try not to eat crappy food when you are going over your calories try to eat healthy fats. Like nuts, avocado, etc. If you are going to do this dont do it every weekend maybe every other weekend would be best. If you opened up your diary Im sure you would get more advice but its hard when we can not see what you are eating. Good luck!!
  • AmandaLenn86
    AmandaLenn86 Posts: 57 Member
    Diary is now open!! please give me advice!! FYI watch my calories more then anything maybe thats where im going wrong!!!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over this. You have done an amazing job in just 3 months. I am almost at 40 lbs, but it has taken me over 7 months to get there. This is a slow process; patience is key. Try changing things up (what you eat and working out). Maybe, your body has gotten used to the exercises. I have plateaued twice in my journey for about 3 weeks at a time. Just keep pushing through, it is frustrating, but you will conquer it. Make sure to be getting your water, it is very important. Remember, you won't see what others see. We look at ourselves everyday, so we see the same thing. Try taking pictures and comparing. Have you taken your measurements to see if you have lost inches? Be patient, you are doing a great job!!!!
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I'd try to eat more consistently, eat out less & no junk food! That should help :)
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    If you are 276 lbs, you are not eating enough.

    Case in point- I am 190lbs at 5'6". I eat 1600 minimum, more on exercise days and I am just now losing again. My BMR is 1613 (which is just enough to keep me alive).

    Your BMR (I roughly calculated based on 5'5" tall) is 2048. Multiply by 1.2 (if you are sedentary) is 2458. So that would be what you would need to eat to stay at your current weight. Take 500 calories off that for 1 lb per week. 1500 or less isn't enough :smile: You have a bunch to lose, but your body isn't happy with a 1000 calorie a day deficit. Give it 700 off instead. Still 1748 calories a day (without exercise) and a 1 1/2 per week loss. You can make that up with 500 less calories eaten, and 250 calorie a day burn via exercise.
  • adakane
    adakane Posts: 3
    don't get discouraged, keep up the good work! it's amazing to lose so much in such short time. most people hit plateau at some point. other than watching calories intake, need to make sure you watch the amount of fat, carb, and sodium consumed. certainly too much sodium will retain more fluid. make sure low on carb and fat. and you may want to increase exercise to 4-5 days/week, this will help breaks the plateau too. good luck!
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    I am no expert and have only just finished my first full week (not even really tomorrow will be a full week) on my journey, but any hoo, it looks like your meals are no spread out enough. You eat breakfast and skip lunch and snacks then have a so so dinner. etc. Try eating through out the day, just smaller portions. Although you are watching your calories, also try to watch what you eat. Eating processed and fast foods as often as you seem to be (although you are sitll under calories) can't be good for aiding in your weight loss efforts.

    I would try to eat healthier food and not waste your calories on things like cookies and fast food places (its ok every now and then). I would also change up your exercise routine like other MFP members stated, trick your body. Do cardio for 20 minutes and pilates for the other 10. Do strength training one day and swimming or yoga the next.

    Well, that's my two cents :-) and by the way, 27lbs in 3 months is freaking awesome!!!! I wish to be there in the very near future...good luck!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    27lbs since feb is an amazing rate of loss! I have lost 11 lbs since Christmas and have been working like a demon at it. Stop complaining!