Friends with Bipolar, Depression, and Anxiety

Hello, looking for friends with bipolar, depression, or anxiety.

I struggle with both bipolar and anxiety and I know how much it affects your life, including weight loss.

Just looking for friends that are going through similar things.


  • anastasiaobrien
    anastasiaobrien Posts: 9 Member
    I have depression.
  • BMK1986
    BMK1986 Posts: 18 Member
    I have depression, however am also battling myself free of an eating disorder so I'm not sure I'm much of a support to people right now as much as I try. Things are definitely moving forward though and I'd always welcome friends who can help support one another on here :)
  • mrsmartinez99
    mrsmartinez99 Posts: 1,255 Member
    I discovered my depression after my third child, also the same time when I allowed my weight to get out of control. I take it a day at a time and lean a lot on my MFP friends. Feel free to add me. It is good to have an outlet other than eating for comfort.
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    I have the double whammy bipolar and anxiety. So yeah..I know how it can affect the weight. It's a big reason why my therapist is part of my process along with my doctor.
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I suffer from BPD, GAD, OCD and depression, welcome to add me :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Depression and anxiety. I have meds and they help a lot but they aren't magic. I do meditation too. My first SSRI put 30 pounds on my butt and I have just now lost them after wearing them for 13 years!!! Needless to say I have a different med now! I wish they would tell us up front about these side effects.
  • I have always been very healthy and active but recently have been struggling with depression. It is amazing how easily the weight comes on. I feel like I am in this foggy dark place that I don't know how to climb out of and do not feel like myself. I used to love working out and rarely went a day without being very active. Nowadays it is struggle to get out of bed. In three months I have a vacation that requires me to be fit and yet I am still struggling with motivation to get back in shape. I am new to this site. Does anyone have any tricks for working out while dealing with extreme lack of motivation from depression?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Seasonal affective disorder with some anxiety. Anyone can feel free to send me a FR :)
    mandaxx88 wrote: »
    I have always been very healthy and active but recently have been struggling with depression. It is amazing how easily the weight comes on. I feel like I am in this foggy dark place that I don't know how to climb out of and do not feel like myself. I used to love working out and rarely went a day without being very active. Nowadays it is struggle to get out of bed. In three months I have a vacation that requires me to be fit and yet I am still struggling with motivation to get back in shape. I am new to this site. Does anyone have any tricks for working out while dealing with extreme lack of motivation from depression?

    This is really rough. Here's what worked for me, although it may or may not work for you: just do something. 5 minutes of anything. Walking outside works the best for me, because my depression is seasonal and sunlight really helps, but you can do whatever sounds appealing to you. Don't require that you do a full "workout" or put any kind of pressure on how much you do. Also, please don't compare what you're doing now to what you were doing when your depression wasn't kicking your *kitten*.

    Give yourself permission to go back to bed after those 5 minutes if that's what you want to do. Give yourself permission to do another 5 minutes and THEN go back to bed if that sounds better. You're trying to stack up wins, and the littlest thing gets to count as a win. The "all or nothing" mentality plays right into depression's hand, because it's already telling you that you're nothing, so get rid of that.
  • I have anxiety and depression, and they both make being active really hard, I'm either too unmotivated to do anything good for my body, or too afraid of judgement, if you want to add me, feel free :)
  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    anxiety over here. i don't take medication but had been going to a counselor for cognitive behavioral therapy. my anxiety is usually triggered by events and people (unfortunately my ex-fiance was a source of anxiety and we broke up over it. as sad and heartbroken as i am, my anxiety has been waning more and more every day). i'm glad to say that i'm getting a better hold of my disorder as the CBT has proven to be super beneficial to my mental health as well as my self-esteem and confidence. i've also added jogging to my schedule at least 5 times a week and it's been so helpful with my moods. however i still have my bad days along with the good but the good is starting to outweigh the bad slowly but surely. yes, any one of you, feel free to add me!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello, looking for friends with bipolar, depression, or anxiety.

    I struggle with both bipolar and anxiety and I know how much it affects your life, including weight loss.

    Just looking for friends that are going through similar things.

    I'm bipolar with anxiety too. I know what a struggle it is sometimes to take care of yourself, and the weight loss journey has to be adjusted sometimes around my mental illness. Feel free to friend me, I love supporting others who know what it's like to be bipolar.

    I just wrote a blog entry about being healthy when you're bipolar. If you want to read it, it's here:

  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    I have had severe depression 3 times in my life. I got through the first two on my own and the last one from the help of my boyfriend. I am much better now but still struggle with it time to time. Feel free to add me for motivation and support. I'm 5'3'' and looking to lose 50 lbs. Cheers :)
  • lorreefleming5
    lorreefleming5 Posts: 3 Member
    I have depression, bipolar II and ADD. I have a really hard time motivating myself. I eat to make myself feel better. Im also 5-3 and need to lose about 50 lbs. you can friend me too. I feel so alone in all of this and don't have any support.
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    i've had depression since i was 8. i'm 40 now and am on a wonderful collection of drugs! LOL.
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    I have bipolar type II, GAD and ADHD. It wasn't until I found the right combination of meds that I was able to sustain weight loss. Add me for support if you like (that goes for all of you).