favorite at home workouts

I love some of the workouts on youtube right now doing blogilates and loving it have done julian michaels 30 day shred and denise austin, also I do my stationary bike and lots of walking, just wondering what everyones favorites are


  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    Jillian Michels dvds
    Leslie Sansone's walking dvds
    pushups, situps, crunches, squats, jumping jacks, etc..
    I've got a couple of the beach body dvds thanks to my FIL.

    My dream is to have a treadmill, an elliptical, a rowing machine and a weight set in my home. One day. Currently saving up for that. :)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I have a small library of DVD's, about 5 Jillian Michael's, Amy Dixon's Breathless Body series, Shaun T (T 25 series) and some that aren't as popular on these sites, Jackie Warner and Jen Edwards.
    I rotate them to keep boredom at bay and walk fast when I can outdoors. Now that it's winter and dark early, I'm more indoors.

    I get a little ADD with workouts so always looking for new things to throw in. :)
  • DeeTee68
    DeeTee68 Posts: 198 Member
    I never use a gym anymore and never will again,horrible germ infested places.

    So all my workouts are done outdoors or at home. A typical day would be 4 mile walk/jog with the dog but at a fast pace ie:4 to 5mph pace then a HIIT session on the spin bike for 25-30 mins followed by some resistance work with my resistance bands. There are plenty of vids on youtube for spin sessions and resistance band sessions to keep the routines interesting.
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    im a huge fan of at home workouts. i use the treadmill, spin bike and beachbody dvds, my favorite is the Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat, in which beachbody will be discontinuing Les Mills very soon. I do go to the gym though, i like to do spin class in the mornings, bcuz its the only way i can even think about exercising in the morning. Getting up at 4am to workout at home is no desire for me. i do my dvds in the eveving after work or before i go to bed. Working out at home has no particular time frame :)
  • C25k outside or inside on the elliptical and the Bodyweight app on my phone.
  • AnitaCRice
    AnitaCRice Posts: 114 Member
    Focus T25 is my favorite right now. Currently on week 2 of the Beta cycle.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I love my elliptical and recumbent bike but my favorite will always be weight lifting!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    When I worked out at home, my favorite was the RushFit DVDs. Mind you, the same warmup and cooldown every time got a little annoying, but I liked the program overall.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    ICF 5x5, physical therapy exercises, running outside
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i like integrating HIIT when i bang my wife.
  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    I don't have a gym membership. Running outside when it's nice. Elliptical when it's cold (or late). Lots of DVDs: Jillian Michaels (30DS is my go-to, but RI30 and NMTZ are good too), Jackie Warner, and some Women's Health ones (for easier days). Fitness Blender on YouTube has some decent short workouts that I like. And chasing a toddler towards my general daily step count.
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    I hate the gym and I'm not a big equipment fan. My workouts consist of exercises that require minimal gear.
    • Running for cardio
    • Pushups for Uppr Bdy
        - 20 Inverted - 20 Mountain Climbers - 20 Dive Bombers
    • Squats / Thrust for Lower Bdy
    To keep limber I do 20m of stretching/Yoga/Pilate exercises every other day
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    pull ups (variations), push ups (variations), various core work exercises, cycling...