What's worse...

Eating something quick, full of bad fats and sodium or to skip lunch since you forgot it at home?

I didn't really have any other options considering I live all the way across town. I skipped lunch today due to having left my lunch at home and I'm not too hungry but I still know how important it is to eat your calories. I had some crackers to tide me over. I just want to make sure that I shouldn't have gone and got something at the nearest burger joint instead of snacking on the crackers.


  • mpdes
    mpdes Posts: 40
    There's always options wherever you go, but you have to ask for modifications sometimes. I don't think it would have the end of the world if you would have ate a burger (if you choose an appropriate option) if you go do a workout and eat healthy for the rest of the week! ;)
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I agree with mpdes...there's ALWAYS options. Even the local/chain burger joints now offer something...anything better than a bacon cheese burger. Even if you just get chili or a side salad. Just look through their menu and select the best option that will do the least amount of damage.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    I try to keep a supply of protein drinks and bars in my desk or the staff lounge fridge for those days I forget or am too busy to eat lunch. Also keep tuna cans and mayo in the fridge at work for quicky, I forgot lunch days. I think it's better that you just ate crackers then going out someplace. Just going into fast food creates a problem with my choices even if salads are available but plan ahead for those...I forgot my lunch days. :flowerforyou:
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Well for me the burger would be worse. Because it would only happen ONCE that I would forget my healthy lunch and being hungry would make me remember next time. And missing one meal, one time only, is not going to shut down my metabolism.

    However, eating that greasy cheeseburger is going to make me feel sick to my stomach about 30 minutes after ingesting it. And then I'm going to have that inside my chest greasy feeling that I hate.

    So for me the burger is worse.

    And as another person already mentioned - I would FIND a different choice than no lunch or greasy hamburger. I would find a salad or grilled chicken sandwich or a fried chicken sandwich that I pick the breading off of and I wouldn't eat the refined bun...

    but that's just me.

    You always have a choice. And next time don't forget! :wink:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When in doubt, check out the restaurant's website for nutritional info, or even search for items on the food database here that you think are comparable.

    I'd rather eat something than go hungry or nibble because you better believe by the time I get to the next meal, I'm going to overeat because I'm so hungry. That's why I don't skip breakfast anymore (just eat it later than most - 9am). I used to just drink coffee then have lunch - but lunch was never enough, I'd snack on bad stuff all afternoon because it was like I starved myself before and my body was telling me I needed to make up the difference.

    P.S. What about the local grocery store? I know they're all different but around here there's a salad bar, sushi, fruit and yogurt available. Better than nothing...
  • When I say the local burger joint, I literally meant a little burger shack. That is the only thing within the distance that I could've gone and been back to work in time. This is the kind of place that looks at you funny if you don't want double cheese and fried onions (which I have a hard time staying away from.) Great burgers and I miss them, but they're not worth not being comfortable getting into a bathing suit this summer.
  • I try to keep a supply of protein drinks and bars in my desk or the staff lounge fridge for those days I forget or am too busy to eat lunch. Also keep tuna cans and mayo in the fridge at work for quicky, I forgot lunch days. I think it's better that you just ate crackers then going out someplace. Just going into fast food creates a problem with my choices even if salads are available but plan ahead for those...I forgot my lunch days. :flowerforyou:

    That's a really good idea! Thanks. I just started my job last week and haven't really had time to move stuff in yet but that will create a great back-up plan.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I'd have eaten the burger and started eating well again the next meal to be honest. Then again I can't skip meals without risking triggering a seizure and it's easy to choose between an unhealthy meal and a seizure lol.