Garmin, Strava and MFP stopped syncing exercise

Up untill wednesday i got home plugged my garmin in, express uploaded it to garmin/strava and within 20-30 mins my exercise would show in MFP with calories burnt.

Thursday and Friday havent been brought into MFP yet show on strava and garmin. Tried to setup the link again and strava says its on and garmin shows a blank screen other than the header(

Any tips on getting this synced? Need to track my exercise calories as using a power meter + heart rate means they are within 5% of actual. Got 5x 200km rides within the next 2 weeks to see family and still want to track my In/Out on MFP


  • benee16
    benee16 Posts: 23 Member
    It stopped working for me after it synced Thursday morning. It didn't sync Thursday night, Friday nor today. Plus you can't add it in manually, which stinks.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    It's something we are going to have to wait for MFP to fix. I emailed them because the sync between Garmin Connect and MFP wasn't working fully. This is the response I got :

    Our sincere apologies for any issues you have been experiencing with Garmin sync. We are currently working with Garmin and hope to have a resolution soon. Our apologies for any issues you may experience while we work on a fix.

    Thank you for your patience.
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    At least there working on it. Cant see my diary looking good with a 1000-3000 Calorie excess daily for weeks
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    So glad to see this here. I thought I was losing my mind. Everything was working delightfully, then nothing. Glad to see MFP is working on it though. I've come to rely on the two!
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Ill be doing this again tomorrow ( so 4000Cals on top of BMR Means i might be peckish and having a 2000 Limit might put me over
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I think it might be working again b/c it synced my exercise from this afternoon.
  • My exercise from garmin connect isn't syncing today.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I think it might be working again b/c it synced my exercise from this afternoon.

    My exercise syncs but I don't get the adjustment for the rest of my daily activity.

    For example:

    Yesterday I worked out 2 times for a 269 calorie burn.
    MFP thinks yesterday's total calorie burn was 1850 (sedentary) + 269 = 2119

    Garmin however has my total daily burn at 2249.

    So I should also have an adjustment of 130 calories in my exercise log, but I don't. I only have the exercise logs. MFP gets my exercise logs and Garmin gets my food information, but for whatever reason the Adjustment that should also show up when I burn more or less than MFP thinks isn't there.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    What do you all mean by not working? Sorry, I just got a vivofit this morning so I just want to understand a little better. I manually logged exercises in garmin connect and they showed up on MFP. The extra calories from walking around (steps) didn't. Is that what you mean?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    What do you all mean by not working? Sorry, I just got a vivofit this morning so I just want to understand a little better. I manually logged exercises in garmin connect and they showed up on MFP. The extra calories from walking around (steps) didn't. Is that what you mean?

    Yep. That's the part that is missing the past couple days in my logs. For me it can sometimes be several hundred extra calories and I really don't need to be making my deficit larger than what it is.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thanks. Mine was only 45 additional earlier today after my routine exercises but worked itself up to 500 so I see how it could be an issue.
  • G8rRay
    G8rRay Posts: 89 Member
    Since 28 Nov 2014, MFP has not synched with Garmin in my accounts. I thought that it was a case of Garmin No Service; but, the issue appears to be on MFP's side. I owe Garmin an apology! I hope that MFP can get it fixed really soon; the lack of exercise kcal burned make my "calories in" look enormous (at least, to me).
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Its just my first day so I didn't really notice because garmin has been pulling in all my food and I have been exploring the calories in/out view and looking at the charts there.
  • hal1964
    hal1964 Posts: 82 Member
    Does anyone know what the plan is and what the estimated time to fix this is? Terribly frustrating!
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Mines showing again after about 5 mins.
    "*You've earned 5,875 extra calories from exercise today "

    Just need to decide what to eat seen as i portion up meals at 400cals. Or take away?

    4 more of these before new year so need to eat back a reasonable amount
  • same here. I have been using Garmin for 10 years and just purchased a new one. it worked great with MFP until the 18th then it wouldnt sync. I'm going to contact MFP and see whats going on
  • DarcyHaines
    DarcyHaines Posts: 2 Member
    I too would like to know when MFP will get this fixed. :'( It worked great upto Thursday last week. :D