Negative Adjustment Calculation Change?

Just recently (within the past 1-2 days from this writing) the Negative Adjustment calculation from the FitBit interface to MFP seems to have changed. I don't get the negative number early in the day like I use too... I have changed NO other parameters or profile settings that would have caused this.

Is this an issue or is this an update to the calc?



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Turn it off. In my experience it just screws up the website.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    It makes that calculation based on predictions using your activity level up to that point. If you are more active in the morning, you will likely see a positive number and if you are lazy you will get a negative adjustment. You can turn it off, or there are a couple of ways you can utilize the Fitbit calorie adjustment.

    If you are mostly sendentary and exercise sporadically, keep your settings at sedentary with your lower calorie goal and you can choose to eat or ignore any extra calories earned from the fitbit on those days that you do happen to be more active.

    Or, if you exercise most days and want to eat at that level, but also have a few lazy days a week, you can set your activity level higher, set your calorie goal based on that, and let the fitbit make negative adjustments on days that you don't hit that activity goal.

    But in answer to your confusion, something changed, and if it wasn't your settings then it was your activity, or how the fitbit registered it. Did you start wearing it in a different way?
  • jdturneriii
    jdturneriii Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the replies. Nothing has changed. My wearing hasn't, activity levels havent, settings haven't; nothing. I would not go negative if I had my capped calories @ 1200 until I ate more than that. I fully understand the math, and the offset. It's just now that I don't get a negative number early in the morning like I have been up until a few days ago...