Too many apples?

mandiex0 Posts: 174
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Ok. So i heard that 'too much' fruit is bad. I added it up, and i am eating at least 8-10 apples a WEEK. Is that really bad? I have an apple everyday for lunch, and one before my workouts.


  • biwinner
    biwinner Posts: 18
    Fruit isn't 'bad' but some fruits are high in sugar and calories. However, it is better to eat fruit than sweet things which contain saturated fat, so if you like fruit I would keep eating it. If you are within your calorie goal, don't worry too much about it. That's my opinion, anyway... some may disagree. x
  • Apples contain alot of sugar. Even though this sugar is natural you taking up a large amount of your daily sugar intake.

    Best answer would be to eat half an apple or try 'healthier' fruits such as kiwis or plums.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I eat at least 2 apples a day. I refuse to believe that's unhealthy.
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    obviously you are doing something right by looking at your weight loss ... and apples are good for you
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    I eat at least 2 apples a day. I refuse to believe that's unhealthy.

    thats what i keep telling myself, but i keep hearing 'TOO MUCH FRUIT IS BAD'.

    and jazgal, yes i know! but there is always room to improve :]
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Apples have a lot of good properties. They have lots of fiber and are a good, quick sugar to eat for workouts. If that's all the fruit you're eating, then it's probably okay. If you're eating more than that, I'd cut back to 2 servings of fruit just for sugar purposes.

    On another note, apples are one thing that I buy organic. I read an article once that talked about how pesticides really get absorbed into an apples skin and can't be washed away so organic is the best way to go for me. I don't need any more pesticides than those which I put on my hair. :-)
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I eat an apple every day as well. You could always do an experiment to see if that is really what the problem is. Try eating just one apple a day and see if it effects you. If not then carry on :)
  • sdbolam
    sdbolam Posts: 5
    Staying under sugar is so hard. I get up for work so early all I can stomach is Ensure, and that's about all the sugar I'm supposed to have in a day. I know that's not good, but an apple? Apples are great. They're loaded with fiber, and are so filling. You're probably eating a great deal less with all that filling fiber.

    You're doing great, and look fantastic!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Too much of anything is bad. Don't discourage yourself from making healthy choices.
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    an apple a day keeps the doctor away...I wish I could make myself eat an apple everyday. You go girl!
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    That's a lot of apples! lol I would think that it would be better to eat a couple apples a day than to eat a couple candybars a day. Maybe switch up the fruit if you are that concerned. Like have an apple one day, banana the next, plums...and so on.
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    Fruit is fine. As long as you log it and make sure you get enough other nutrients like protein too.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    No you're fine.
  • nudacris
    nudacris Posts: 25
    Here's an excerpt from a P90X newsletter from Denis Faye:

    Rule #5: No, the sugar in fruit isn't bad for you.

    When the low carb "revolution" hit in the early aughts, fruit was demonized for its sugar content. This is, in a word, ridiculous. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar, but it's also usually loaded with fiber, which slows sugar absorption, making it an ideal way to get your simple carbs without straining your little insulin buddies. Fruit is also loaded with easy-to-absorb vitamins and minerals. Most fruit is also filled with water, yet another benefit.

    Even relatively low-fiber fruits like bananas offer far too many benefits to be denied. Bananas, in particular, are rich in electrolytes, which are crucial to sports performance. As I always say, I defy you to introduce me to an overweight person whose biggest indulgence is fruit.

  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Congrats on healthy eating choices! None of us got here (overweight) because we couldn't pull ourselves away from the produce aisle. Fruit is a VERY healthy choice -- it has lots of fiber, water and natural sugar; it's absorbed by your body much differently than a simple sugar like that from cookies or cake. Unless you are diabetic, ENJOY your fruit -- good for you!:smile:
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    My father is a nutritionist and a super health nut. He says apples are good, the fiber offsets the fructose so your blood sugar doesn't spike, great to eat before or after a workout. And all I ever hear from him are suggestions on what else I can do to eat even *better*, so if HE says apples are good, I know they must be pretty darn good. ;)
  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    No fruit is ever bad. Keep eating your apples!
  • bjenny12345
    bjenny12345 Posts: 118 Member
    I think that is wonderful. Don't forget that you are getting tons of fiber and vitamins! You might want to consider that apples contain high levels of pesticides. I usually buy organic apples at target for $3 a bag-maybe $4. They are so much tastier and probably better for you.
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    Here's an excerpt from a P90X newsletter from Denis Faye:

    Rule #5: No, the sugar in fruit isn't bad for you.

    When the low carb "revolution" hit in the early aughts, fruit was demonized for its sugar content. This is, in a word, ridiculous. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar, but it's also usually loaded with fiber, which slows sugar absorption, making it an ideal way to get your simple carbs without straining your little insulin buddies. Fruit is also loaded with easy-to-absorb vitamins and minerals. Most fruit is also filled with water, yet another benefit.

    Even relatively low-fiber fruits like bananas offer far too many benefits to be denied. Bananas, in particular, are rich in electrolytes, which are crucial to sports performance. As I always say, I defy you to introduce me to an overweight person whose biggest indulgence is fruit.

    great info. ty
  • ruffledviolet
    ruffledviolet Posts: 260
    Here's an excerpt from a P90X newsletter from Denis Faye:

    Rule #5: No, the sugar in fruit isn't bad for you.

    When the low carb "revolution" hit in the early aughts, fruit was demonized for its sugar content. This is, in a word, ridiculous. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar, but it's also usually loaded with fiber, which slows sugar absorption, making it an ideal way to get your simple carbs without straining your little insulin buddies. Fruit is also loaded with easy-to-absorb vitamins and minerals. Most fruit is also filled with water, yet another benefit.

    Even relatively low-fiber fruits like bananas offer far too many benefits to be denied. Bananas, in particular, are rich in electrolytes, which are crucial to sports performance. As I always say, I defy you to introduce me to an overweight person whose biggest indulgence is fruit.

    Thank you for this!
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