Pure Barre?

Anyone do Pure Barre in here? It's, hands down, my favorite workout. I feel stronger and healthier, but I have no idea what I'm actually doing. Anyone have an idea of estimated calories burned?


  • srsly_sarah
    srsly_sarah Posts: 42 Member
    I just started these classes and have seen a huge loss in inches. I keep meaning to wear my heart rate monitor to class to find the calorie burn, but it seems like every single class has a different excretion level, depending on the teacher, if I've done the moves before, and just how much I'm trying. Everytime I think I'm getting the hang out of it, the teacher throws in new moves!
  • mshaerban
    mshaerban Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know if you ladies are still doing pure barre, but let me know if you are. I started Nov 30 and have taken 7 classes (3 a week). I am also tracking and I'm doing cardio 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. I've only lost a few pounds, but I've already lost some inches and feel stronger and more energized. I do not wear a HRM but see calorie estimates from those that do anywhere from 200-400. I put 250-300 in my diary depending on the intensity, but I do not eat back my exercise calories. (I only eat a little more on exercise days if hungry.) I just signed up for two more months after this one, so I'm hoping for continued success. It is so addictive!
  • Anyone know how to enter Pure Barre?
  • It depends how hard you work. I have worn a heart rate monitor to maybe 4 classes. The HRM watch I have is one that you have to take your heart rate at each intensity change. The calories burned ranged from 500-625 calories. I weighed approx 140 when I wore the HRM to classes.
  • TsamIam
    TsamIam Posts: 34 Member
    I wear my Fitbit Charge HR and it logs around 260-280 calories for me. I work up a sweat and my heart rate gets up, but I do notice that during arms my Charge HR doesn't seem to be registering my heart rate, so I'm hoping I've actually burned more than what the end total shows. Pure Barre helps build muscle but doesn't burn calories like a cardio workout would, so I think incorporating cardio and eating right along with Pure Barre will help you make a nice change in your body.
  • rghama2510
    rghama2510 Posts: 1 Member
    How is "bellydancing" an exercise option, but Barre is not?!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Bellydancing has been around for 100's of years, Barre is a newer class. It's awesome...I've just entered it as pilates...since I do both and I'm sure Barre burns more calories. I would rather under represent the calories I burn than over.
  • abbyswen
    abbyswen Posts: 1 Member
    I created my own workout and named it barre. I used my Fitbit Charge HR to input my calorie burn. I am about 5'9" and currently 225 pounds and my fitbit says I burned 297 calories. I definitely feel like I burned more but I use that information lightly.
  • kblanco80
    kblanco80 Posts: 1 Member
    Love Purebarre! Helped me look at what i was eating, because I worked out so hard in class. Lost 20 lbs in 6 months.
  • sarahkw04
    sarahkw04 Posts: 87 Member
    LOVE barre - I teach it at a local barre studio after taking 250+ Pure Barre classes. I wear my HRM when I take or teach class and log it as "pilates" as that's the closest thing I've found.

    What I've found is that barre is helping my powerlifting tremendously. I only started lifting in June, but I've been able to sling around a lot more weight right off the top because of my core and glute strength. The guys I lift with will never admit it outside of the gym, but I can hold a plank longer than any of them!