One of my Canadian friends got 'pissed off' as he put it because I said 'eh' on his timeline. I said it in jest, but considering his response it provoked me to ask: how many of you say it, how many of you find it offensive, and how many of you think of it as something in between? Opinions please.


  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    Yes we do say it but its not said as much as people like to assume we say it. Its not just tacked on to the end of every sentence. :P Also not everyone is going to be like the majority of Canadians. Your friend might never use it in his vocabulary. Its not like..standard Canadian lol
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    i say it regularly, i also type it when "talking" on facebook. it is only offensive when someone uses it improperly to make fun of me. use it properly to make fun of me that's all good :)
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    edited December 2014
    I use it...not frequently but it does slip out from time to time,lol. I don't believe I would find it offensive if some other nationality jested with me about it - I suppose it would depend on how it was done, though.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Tell him to stop being a whiner...
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you all. I had commented on his food diary. I said, "pizza and beer, eh?" I'm all in for the whiner thing!
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    i don't say it ever...but I spent a long time in florida before moving back to canada so maybe that's why. I do notice everyone here says it though.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Yes we say it. A lot more than we realize or will admit to. I personally think your comment was funny and right on the mark. Next time ask him why there's no beer and back bacon in his
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    Canadian here. Eh isn't part of my regular vocabulary, but some use it more often than others. Tell you friend to lighten up, he's being a *******. (Edited so he wouldn't be offended lol)
  • mefitforlife9
    mefitforlife9 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yup, say it, use it. I'm a Canuck living in the states with my American hubby, who of course uses "eh" way more than me! I call him out on it all the time. Makes me happy he's adopted Canadianese from me! I usually answer him with "huh"? LOL Lighten up peeps, life is too hard and short to be uptight about a word here and there. Oh, but please don't say "aboot" to me! You may get slapped! ha ha
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    Thank you all. I had commented on his food diary. I said, "pizza and beer, eh?" I'm all in for the whiner thing!

    properly used. approved!
    Tell him "take off, ya hoser"

    how many people will actually get that joke? i mean, if you're a canadian over 40, yes, but anyone else? i wonder.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    No. I think it's more of an Eastern Canada thing though.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    My husband says I say "oot, aboot, and hoose" thought. :)
  • zenaxe
    zenaxe Posts: 203 Member
    from BC and living in the USA....always getting told I have an accent with the oot and aboot and of course the eh. life is a highway.....
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    What's this aboot..? Or, is it aboat??
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited December 2014
    yes we do say eh a lot more than we realize

    i know i hear it quite often and i say it quite often
  • matthew_ml
    In the local dialect where I live (northern Sask), sentences are often punctuated with "hey." It's the closest I've come to encountering the fabled "eh."
  • AngelAnnihilate
    AngelAnnihilate Posts: 26 Member
    edited December 2014
    Never do I say it :P
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    When it does come out, I cough and say, "I mean, what?" Out here in Newfoundland, b'y, buddy, and missus are the replacements.