Hi Everyone! Anyone doing Medifast?



  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    akpete88 wrote: »
    I cant say enough about Medifast it helped me lose 70 pounds and Now I'm completely transitioned off of it and I haven't gained any of it back. I lost 70 pounds in 7 months and kept it off. If you need a place to get it I wouldn't recommend the Medifast centers because they will charge you a ton of money before you even get the food. Check my site out at www.andrewpeterson.tsfl.com

    TL, DR >> don't buy Medifast from a center, buy it from me!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited November 2014
    akpete88 wrote: »
    I cant say enough about Medifast it helped me lose 70 pounds and Now I'm completely transitioned off of it and I haven't gained any of it back. I lost 70 pounds in 7 months and kept it off. If you need a place to get it I wouldn't recommend the Medifast centers because they will charge you a ton of money before you even get the food. Check my site out at www.andrewpeterson.tsfl.com

    This is why I encourage people to lose weight the correct way. Proper portion sizes, exercise, it is all free and it is what works. Most people who are successful on here have done it this way. If you want to waste your money on those yucky meals, go right ahead. But people who are just beginning to explore weight loss options are vulnerable to these schemes. That is why I speak up.
  • mandykinz2014
    Today is day 1 on my medifast plan. I have about 50 pounds to lose total and yes my dr is monitoring it. I'm very excited to see results! If you're doing the plan, too, and want a friend/accountability person go ahead and add me. We can do this!
  • dygray
    dygray Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing TSFL since September first. I have lost 48 pounds. I feel great! Mainly because I'm off insulin. I was taking 2 shots a day when I started. My doctor took me off little by little and since October 10th I have stopped insulin altogether. I am only 3 pounds from my goal and had a A1C of 5.7 in November. I am so happy I'm sure I have added years to my life!
  • sandybeaches00
    sandybeaches00 Posts: 52 Member
    Love medifast. Lost 30 pounds on it and kept it off. Started back today. Looking to loose another 26 pounds
    OPTAVIAANDME Posts: 7 Member
    I did Medifast a year ago and lost 30 pounds. I maintained the loss and now I want to lose the last 40-50. Starting the plan again next week and would love to some new friends for support.
  • carli_boni
    carli_boni Posts: 7 Member
    I have done MF on and off this past year but ready to recommit tomorrow! Glad to find this group!
  • fastracker
    fastracker Posts: 11 Member
    medifast is awesome. cant cut back calories that much, that easy, that quickly and get good nutrition anywhere else. great for a jump start. anyone that can read knows how to eat right ,we are just on here because we do not follow through without this as a reminder. you don't need mfp to teach you how to eat. the only way you gain the weight back is by going back to the same old habits. its that simple
  • PuggleDoodle
    PuggleDoodle Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also doing Medifast. Lost 30 pounds 3 years ago, and was able to reduce my Metformin and blood pressure meds. Never completed transition or maintenance, and slowly gained it back so January 1 is a new start. Day 6 and feeling great. Glad to find a group using medifast, so we can support each other!

    Can't wait for Thursday weigh in - wishing everyone a great day!
    - Carol
  • kadakikl
    kadakikl Posts: 5 Member
    I'm also doing Medifast....again. Lost 30 lbs previously but didn't gain all of it back, but definitely felt better on it. 3rd day and feeling better than my 1 1/2 day. Headaches are gone...so now, time to buckle down and get this done!! Best of wishes to you all! Kim
  • justmercb
    justmercb Posts: 1 Member
    How do you all like the Medifast food? I tried Nutrisystem (very briefly) a while back but didn't like the food so I'm hesitant to sink $$$ in to Medifast. Thanks, Rebecca
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    A friend bought me my first month of MediFast, it should arrive soon. I have heard such mixed things about it. I have used MFP for a couple years now and have had some success, 25 pounds. But I found myself sliding back into bad habits after multiple hospital stays and a big cutback in excerise (I am waiting on a lung transplant). Finally I am well enough to start activities again, but need help breaking the carb/sugar cycle I've been in. Thankfully I did not have to pay for this though, as truth be told, the reviews of their customer service and billing practices scare me. Hopefully it will give me a jump start back on the right path.
  • andersonnikkic
    andersonnikkic Posts: 6 Member
    That was so nice of your friend to buy out for you! It is expensive, especially the first month when we're still learning. I'm 3 weeks in now and I love how easy it is. For me, it won't help with carb/ sugar cravings. I guess it depends on what you order though? It does help with portion control though, until you get o your lean & green. I have to split mine up sometimes. It seems like so much food all at once compared to my 5 medifast meals. Again, I'm sure it depends on what you order. Good luck! I hope it helps you in the ways you are hoping. It definitely works for weight loss. Everyone I know of who's followed the program has had great success with it. :)
  • pfrissora
    Doing Medifast for the second time after losing 65 lbs and within 17 lbs of goal. Not a cheat in sight during that whole time. Then my dad finally passed from cancer and I was slammed with shoulder surgery which doc didn't want me to stay low carb. Need to complete put on about 20 with a new bf marine who works out to compensate - I can't compete so it's just easier to book the whole plan... I like the food and sometimes make recipes from items that aren't pack and carry muffins etc seems to work well. Just joined this app because the blogs etc used to be better a couple of years ago then now...
  • Andrea_Sings
    Andrea_Sings Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm doing Medifast and am looking for some friends for accountability. I have 100 lbs to go. Feel free to add my as your friend. I find it helpful to see others' updates on the News Feed.
  • piper4596
    piper4596 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm on it too. I did it 1.5 years ago and was very successful and lost 65 pounds and within 15 pounds of my goal too. I've gained 30 back, but it's my own fault. I didn't do transition and ate like crap because life wasn't so great. My pants started getting really tight and I didn't want to have to go buy bigger clothes (I got rid of everything that was too big). I realized that I needed to snap out of that and do it the right way. I'm on week 2 and feel great. I am going to transition properly this time when I get to my goal. I will not be obese ever again!
  • Rosiemac2
    Rosiemac2 Posts: 26 Member
    I am back.....I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease last August and between the steroids, lack of exercise and bad food choices have regained 30lbs....Time to regain control of my health and jump back in. Notice I said health not diet....To me Medifast is about health choices rather than food choices. Wish me luck!!!
  • kittenpickles
    kittenpickles Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Rosie, I'm on too - lost 107 in 2010 on MF and due to recent hospitalization gained 32 back so returning to MF as I know this works....I created a group for MF'ers as I saw that MF gets flamed a lot on MFP, which is sad and I like to support anyone trying to lose. I invited you :) It's called "MF Friends" if anyone else would like to join
  • beachbum3246
    beachbum3246 Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting Medifast and I am looking for all the help I can get. How do I join MF Friends and any other board that is directed toward Medifast?
  • sandy_in_sandy_land
    sandy_in_sandy_land Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I am Sandy. I do medifast I am down 103 pounds since may 2014. I am looking for other that do this plan too, I love it, it works for me. I am not always 100% but I am losing so that is good.