30-40yo moms on a mission

Im a stay at home mom of 3, it took me 2 years to lose 80 pounds and I am still learning and changing and losing.
Id love to connect with moms like me so we can keep each other motivated in the New Year! Support, Motivation, Accountability.
We got this!


  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    Congratulations on your awesome loss!

    I'm a single mom of two boys who's got about 50 lbs to lose. I'm on my 7th week, and this site and the people I've met through it have been a huge part of sticking with it. A healthy rate of weight loss is a frustrating thing to be sure, so having people who are reinforcing the fact that I'm doing this the right way keeps me from quitting when it gets hard. So I'm always looking to add more active friends. :)
  • I am a mom of a 4 month old girl who would love to lose another 40ish pounds. I've already lost 35, but am losing motivation and willpower. I would love to have a few friends to help support me and keep me motivated.
  • Hi. I am mum of 2 boys. My no 2 is just over 1 month n m breastfeeding him. I wanna loose 20 pounds. Honestly it is frustating to see ur clothes not fitting u but i am taking it all slow.
    Just take it slow n do not kill urself
    Remember its ur body n U R BEAUTIFUL.
    Best of luck all.
  • Olsen0929
    Olsen0929 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm a mom of three (2 boys and 1 girl) I have about 80 pounds all together to lose. I suck at motivation. My job is sitting (mostly) for 12 hour shifts, but I need to be fit to be safe at what I do. I've realized i cannot do this alone. Hoping some new friends can help.
  • Badassshaz
    Badassshaz Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I need to get fit and healthy!! Hope we can help each other?
    Need friends!
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm a mom of 2 (2 & 4 yrs old). I've lost around 60 lbs in the last couple of years and still have about 30 to go. The entire year I've been slipping and gained about 15 back that I had lost. Really looking forward to the new year and a fresh outlook on life! Time to get back on track!! Add me!
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    This is great you guys! Mom's unite!
    Slow and steady wins the race, enjoy the process. Also remember that we are all unique in what works for us, this journey is def not one size fits all.
    We got this! I will send you guys a friend request!