In need of tips for maintaining control for the holidays!

menosquinze Posts: 19
edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
Having recovered from an eating disorder, binging around the holidays is still a difficult thing for me to avoid. I'm looking to enjoy Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year's Eve this year without overdoing it or setting myself up for weeks of unhealthy overeating, like happened over Thanksgiving. Any tips? Thanks!


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    How about planning a reward, maybe even a daily one if necessary, just until the end of the year :) If you are eating with family or friends, be reasonable, eat only what you really want to, no need to try every option and eat only until you are almost full. Your reward can be indulging in something that you really look forward to having (mine would be dessert), still keep it at a serving but allow yourself to mentally enjoy it. Also, try adding some exercise into your days, take a walk or a bike ride - that offers some balance.
  • 67mirunner
    I think just try to take it one day at a time. It's so hard and so overwhelming, I totally get it. I fight every day to not just "give up and eat whatever I want for the next week." Can you promise yourself (and us on here) that you'll log EVERY day, no matter how bad or good it is? Sometimes, just making that commitment is a big help. Best of all, be patient with yourself. It's ok to not be perfect!!
  • IamAddictedtoCoconuts
    IamAddictedtoCoconuts Posts: 24 Member
    edited December 2014
    Don't think about it too much, if you give the thought of "Oh no, its the holidays" and you associate binging with it, its just bringing more anxiety(What ive found to be true) Basically take it day by day and eat what you want just don't go overboard. You need flexibility in your food habit, i wouldn't suggest in rewarding yourself with a specific food. I mean food isin't your enemy here, having some cake, chocolate, that fries are not going to hinder anything. The more you tell yourself "No" on a certain food , the more it'll backfire on you. It all comes down to moderation.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Think of Christmas Eve as Wednesday, Christmas as Thursday, and NYE as another Wednesday. They are only as important as you want them to be. Participate in the festivities to the degree that you want and go for some walks or help with preparation and cleanup.
  • menosquinze
    thanks guys, that was all very helpful! :)
  • erindunphy
    erindunphy Posts: 46 Member
    If you're going to a party where there will be finger foods, chocolates, etc you can always eat before you go! Or offer to bring something like a veggie tray, so you'll know for sure there's something healthy there :) Good luck and enjoy!