ugh why do i do this?!



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Sorry that this is going to sound obvious, but why not go to bed before 3AM?

    If you are regularly overtired, you are going to be hungry and snacky. You're also going to slow your weight loss simply due to insufficient sleep!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I submit the next day but I also plan ahead.

    That way I know roughly what I am going to eat each day, how many calories I have to play with and I can make changes. IE I was going to have noodles tonight but they are pretty high in calories so I will swap them for some wholemeal rice...

    It really does work for me!
  • ryzola
    ryzola Posts: 51 Member
    The fact is, at least in my case, MFP can be as beneficial as it is detrimental. Sometimes, I'm so concious of how much I'm eating and taking log of that I binge out, because a) I'm either hungry from under eating or b) think I'm somehow entitled to it due to the fact I have some calories left, and then it somehow spirals out of control. Obviously, MFP is extremely beneficial and I use it regardless, but don't be a slave to it. Have a common sense approach to your diet.
  • shekaiser
    shekaiser Posts: 5 Member
    Something about mom's house....I did it again tonight! Two glasses of wine and a big slice of cake!!! UGHHH!
  • kthume03
    kthume03 Posts: 15 Member
    First of all don't prelob your stuff because you feelthat you can cheat and get away with it. It might be easier fir you to write it down throughout the day and get on and log it all at once at night if it is to hard to do it throughout the day. I understand your thinking of logging it and than you will follow that plan, but you are not doind it. I' not trying to be critical but helpful believe me i have done it all.
    Something else i'm not sure what you are doing for you exersise, but you should deffinetly include strength traing with the cardio it increases your metabolism foe up to 36 hours after your workout.
    Hope this helps best of luck
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    No shame, no shame! Guilt it often a useless and destructive force!!

    Instead, just look at it as objectively as possible. So if you weren't hungry, what were you? Bored? Stressed? Sad? Happy? Mindless?

    The idea of not closing your diary as previously posted is a good one. Log it ALL.

    I'm an evening eater myself. Be sure you're eating enough during the day so you don't freak out at night. Try to fill up your time if you're bored.

    We all slip. It's just one night. This is a new minute, right now. You can get back on track starting NOW!

    This is so good! And MochaMixAz, you are AMAZING!