Any Keto friends out there???

Hello hello! I just finished my first week of Keto and am looking for other positive LCHF friends. There are a lot of great food recipies to share and we can keep each other motivated. My goals: cut back on processed foods, exercise 4-5 times a week, loose 60 pounds and get back to a size 6.
Feel free to add me :smiley:


  • beckymay777
    beckymay777 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I have similar goals too! I'll add ya now
  • niamani8
    niamani8 Posts: 2 Member
    + 1
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited December 2014

    This is a MFP group that tries it seems to offer good open minded keto info.

    My first month was a bear because of 40 years of carb abuse meant my craving level was high and a hard nut to crack. In the end I just had to cold turkey them. The cravings are gone but not their memory.

    The son has a quart of boiled custard in the frig containing 176 grams of carbs. In the past I have drank two quarts within two hours. :( When I went to read the carbs just now I got out four sticks of celery. :)
  • Keto on! Will add you.
  • hminchan
    hminchan Posts: 7 Member
    I've just started using My Fitness Pal altho I've had the app for some time. Looking for keto friendly group
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Not sure what keto is?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited December 2014
    Not sure what keto is?

    Keto means different things to most people but to move from running on glucose only to running mainly on ketones for your fuel it more or less means eating 80% fats, 15% protein and 5% carbs.

    The first month was one heck of a steep hill to climb in my case. After a while it is more like one is on autopilot. Carbs are the mountain ranges in your flight path. Miss them and all should be well.

    I do nutritional ketosis as my new eating lifestyle for arthritis pain control. Weight loss (if over weight), no more IBS, food allergies, sharp mental clarity all day with no sugar crashes/cravings are just a few of the other side effects. I have yet to find any negative side effects in my case.

  • I am starting back up. Been keto / low carb since 90s. Going to use a Carbonite cycling method and eating whole foods (paleo). I had great success but I always get off rails.
  • snooziebunny
    snooziebunny Posts: 15 Member
    Hi lovely keto people! I experimented with keto for 6 weeks - I did loose weight and felt fab, fell back in to old habbits and Christmas has been a bit of a disaster in the diet department, I've just got a big batch of bone broth in the slow cooker and starting to meal plan - January the 2nd is my start day - I will also increase exercise - I am determined! Please add me and we can share our journeys :smile:
  • Looking to go back onto the keto regime. Wishing everyone the best.
  • I will be starting tomorrow - I'd love some new friends!
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    Would always love more friends! Y'all's successes are always motivating! Keep calm and Keto on
  • Carbsmakefat
    Carbsmakefat Posts: 89 Member
    I am doing LCHF love it
  • Been doing keto for about 3 weeks now and I freaking love it!!
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    Been doing keto for 20 days today and it's wonderful! I'll add you!
    Y0NSTER Posts: 9 Member
    I definitely need keto friends! Please add me!
  • Hi Everyone! My fiance and I are just about to finish our first week on Keto and I would love to have some Keto friends on MFP to stay motivated. I'm not sure how to add new friends though, can you guys add me? Thanks!
  • I need some LCHF friends. Add away.
  • Ditto Amigas!
  • Started keto right after xmas, 17lbs down and feeling great! Determined to make permanent changes, and track myself every damn day! Feel free to add! :)