Body by Vi..Visalus???

A girl at work is selling these and a lot of people are buying them and trying them out, It's kind of expensive and before i tried them i was wondering does it work or is it a scam? basically she says i will replace to meals a day with shakes and eat one low cal meal a day. She's had good results and i was wondering if anyone else has tried these and if it worked for them???Thanks :)


  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    My friend's brother sells this stuff. I've seen it work on him, and her to some extent. Anna lost quite a bit of weight on the drinks last summer, but as soon as she stopped them, she gained it all back, and then some! I just don' think programs like this are realisitc, as you aren't creating a new lifestyle. I've lost 25 pounds since January by changing my diet, making better food choices, staying within my calories, and exercising.
  • Jessi2611
    Jessi2611 Posts: 6 Member
    Thats kind of what i was thinking too! As soon as i stopped the drinks if i did lose a weight, i would gain it back, thanks for the feedback!