Trouble connecting my Jawbone UP24 with MFP

Hey guys! I've lost 21lbs using my fitness pal and this morning I got a jawbone up24 for Christmas. However it would see they don't want to link together. On my jawbone I made sure to allow mfp to link with it in the privacy setting and jawbone says it's linked with mfp but MVP doesn't seem to want to link with the up24. I just want it to record my steps for today. Thanks for any help. Sorry about spelling and stuff. I'm writing on my phone. :)


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    To see your steps, in the MFP app go to More, then Steps, then choose Jawbone.

    MFP has a Jawbone UP Bracelet group:
  • Strangella
    Strangella Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the link. I'll check that out. For now I uninstalled both apps and reinstalled them and it seems to have fixed my problem. However I'll check out that link to learn more. Thank you for your help! :smile:
  • bonbon1472003
    bonbon1472003 Posts: 31 Member
    i had same problem. i had used different email address for mfp and jbone, once i made both the same it worked to upload but went to mfp and deleted all the food for the day and it never left the jbone page