Work on 3rd Shift

How do I/What can I do to exercise when leave for work at 10:15pm and get home around 8:00am, and have to get at least 8 hours of consecutive sleep... I prefer to sleep from 2:15pm-9:45pm. We only have one gym for a square hour that I can go to, and the hours are ridiculous to the point I can't go with my schedule. (6-7:30am and 3-7:45pm averages, and only m-f)


  • slowsonic88
    slowsonic88 Posts: 15 Member
    Go for a run? Not all exercise needs to be done in the gym. If you're not into running how about a little bike ride, or an exercise/dance dvd?

    Personally when I work a night shift I prefer to go to bed as soon as i get home and then get up a bit earlier to get some exercise in, but then my shifts are longer so the timings are different.

    There's always time to squeeze in a little exercise if you're determined enough.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm the same way as you. I prefer sleeping from 3pm to 10:30pm and then head into work for my shift. On planned workout days, I hit my gym right after work in the mornings.

    Can you go to a different gym that has hours that work for you? If it's weight training that you want to do, then you may want to look into doing bodyweight training or investing in some equipment to do at home.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Running/walking, workout videos, bodyweight exercises. All can be done at home with little to no equipment. I work a night shift as well (11pm-7am). Workout when you get home in the morning. But personally, I prefer to go sleep earlier and get up and workout because I have better energy after having gotten some sleep. But that's just me.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I'm lucky enough to work work. I work 3rds and take 30 minutes to hit up Insanity MAX 30 if I don't get it in at home.