stretching: outside thighs & hip joint

yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
I'm looking for a stretching exercise for the muscles on the outside upper thighs and over the outside hip bone. I notice that those muscles get rather tight (from lunges I suppose) but I cannot find the right exercise to give them a decent stretch. Any ideas?


  • harakiri01
    harakiri01 Posts: 14 Member
    The best one I have found for me is standing up with your feet close together, place one foot across the other one then stretch your arm up over your head and bend to the side.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Yoga tree pose. Feet together. Bring one foot up to knee and rotate out. You can hold on to a chair for the stretch, but it's also great for balance freestanding.
  • slhall0822
    slhall0822 Posts: 128 Member
    Here's a really great youtube video with some stretches that will help your hip / upper thighs.

    Here's another one:

    (I found these by doing a quick search on YouTube. I'm a licensed massage therapist and registered chiropractic assistant, so I do these stretches on individuals on a regular basis and they really do help, especially the stretch in the second video... plus I have tight hips and outer thighs myself, so I can personally attest to the effectiveness of these stretches. The area you are talking about is your hip abductor / IT band area, so if you want more stretches, just search for stretches for this area. :) Good luck!.)
  • karlsantiago
    karlsantiago Posts: 90 Member
    edited December 2014
    while laying flat (in bed or anywhere) bend both knees bring one foot to the opposite knee like you are crossing them and with your hands push that knee to your opposite shoulder

    this is not directly the area you are talking about but it may also be helpful