And if I don't like water......?



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    I have the same reply with an added wtf?
    how can someone not choke down water?

    quite easy, my water smells and tastes like the swimming baths...I can't afford bottled water or a filter on the tap and have no fridge space for the jug things I drink NO water. As for "are you serious" and "WTF" they're hardly helpful and supportive are they, especially when its someones first post.

    Back to the OP, there are studies that say that if you regularly drink a X amount of coffee/tea/cola that your body gets used to the diuretic effect and its almost totally negated. So if you usually drink a litre of cola then you can count that, anything over your usual amount should not be counted. Water is a diuretic too BTW. There was a time i drank nothing but caffeinated coffee and cola...for several years and I was NOT dehydrated. (or overweight!) I have switched to decaf as I've become very sensitive to it since being hit with a health problem, and suffer severe palpitations if I have caffeine now.

    Obviously water is better but if you really cannot stand the stuff then any none alcoholic fluid is better than no fluid at all

    okay you can afford the coffee/tea/cola but you cant afford water???? most stores have store brands that are cheap.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    There's been some research to show that most non-alcoholic, non-sugared liquids will work for weight loss, but for overall health water is best for you. I don't like tap water either, but I just use Brita filter and a re-useable bottle (you can also find store brand gallon jugs of water for less than a dollar each).
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    just drink water.
    even if you don't like it.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    ive been trying to find the article for you but i havnt found it yet...its an article by a reputable site (eithere harvard medicine, mayo clinic or it said that diet soda and coffee cud be considered as some of your 'waters' for the day....because the amount the caffeine dehydrates you is not as much as the water in it hydrates you. Not to say water isnt better but if your having a hard time drinking water drink some water some tea some diet soda and youll be fine!!!
  • eyeamAnne
    eyeamAnne Posts: 24 Member
    My problem I'm noticing right now is if I have something sweet I crave even more sweets. Water helps stave off those cravings, a diet soda would increase them. I didn't like the water at first but now I love it. I love how it makes me feel. I had a hard time getting up to 8 cups at first, but now it is 9 in the morning and I have already had 3 cups (plus I'm thirsty and about to get another cup).

    I think you can learn to love it. Try different temperatures. My husband loves it lukewarm, I love it cold from the fridge. However, for convenience I've been drinking it from the fridge dispenser (so it is a little cold but not as much as I like it).

    Or add a lemon, mint, whatever it is that people add to their water?


    Oh, and it took me a a little while to break my caffeinated soda addiction but I'm very glad I did. I have more energy in the morning now that I have that stuff out of my system. I used to NEED soda to keep me going. Now I feel great without it!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Pop soda with or without sugar, [even coffee] has caffeine which is a diuretic i.e. it makes you pee more. So one loses more water. So rather than counting it as water, you should drink more water to compensate for the loss.

    I even heard once that for every caffeinated beverage you should that same amount in extra water along with your daily water, because it dehydrates you.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Some other people made some really good points too. Definitely try different temperatures. For me, I can't drink water cold... it makes it harder to go down. I keep my water bottles at room temperature- not warm, but not really cold, either. I can drink much more and enjoy it more that way.

    Also, somebody mentioned adding lemon- you can do that, or a variety of other things too... you could add cucumber, lime, melon, berries (I particularly LOVE the strawberry-infused water that they have at Yogurtland!) or some combination of them to give some flavor and change it up a little bit.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I love room temperature water.

    Ice water ticks me off because I can't drink it fast.

    I'm similar with food. I don't like really hot food because I have to eat it slowly haha
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Re: filtered water. I purchased a Brita water bottle at Target. It was like $8.99. I keep it at my work desk. I work in a different town and the water is nasty. The filter lasts 2 months. Good investment for me.

    Sugary drinks (fake or not) tend to make me want more sugary .... whatever. For me I need to keep this to minimum. Also some (most?) Crystal Light has citric acid - heartburn city. Maybe adding orange or cucumber slices would help.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057

    I have the same reply with an added wtf?
    how can someone not choke down water?

    As for "are you serious" and "WTF" they're hardly helpful and supportive are they, especially when its someones first post.

    I so strongly agree with this...we are on this site to be here to support each other's changes, even if they are slow changes or changes we ourselves never went through. It never fails to amaze me when people on a help site are so quick to judge and critique each other. If one doesn't feel like being supportive they could always use the site's main tools without the "community" section, including the forums. How can one expect to get support where they don't plan on giving any?

    Let's all love one another! :flowerforyou:
    I am a very supportive person on this site, I think this is a fake post though that's why I asked. :ohwell: and seeing how they never came back I really think it is fake, but you all have given great suggestions to real people! DRINK UP!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • eyeamAnne
    eyeamAnne Posts: 24 Member
    I can vouch for the original poster. This is not a fake post. I just invited her to this site the other day :) And she works during the day and doesn't have a lot of time to spend online in forums. She'll probably check in this evening.
  • eyeamAnne
    eyeamAnne Posts: 24 Member
    And I wanted to add that even though I also think that we should all just choke it down, regardless of if we like it or not. When it comes to food I'm trying to find recipes and portions that make it feel like I'm not on a temporary 'diet'. If I have to choke something down I'm not likely to keep doing it for the rest of my life.

    My successes so far have come with gradual changes. When I first cut out soda I went to a lot of juice and milk for quite a while. I was happy I was able to break that FINALLY break that bond with soda. Eventually I replaced all the large quantities of milk and juice with water. That was before I started this site and before I started counting calories. (heck, I had to do the same with oatmeal, I started with a lot of sugar and fruits and now I'm down to hardly any sugar or added fruits and I LOVE it pretty plain, I can' t believe I actually love oatmeal now!)
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Some other people made some really good points too. Definitely try different temperatures. For me, I can't drink water cold... it makes it harder to go down. I keep my water bottles at room temperature- not warm, but not really cold, either. I can drink much more and enjoy it more that way.

    Also, somebody mentioned adding lemon- you can do that, or a variety of other things too... you could add cucumber, lime, melon, berries (I particularly LOVE the strawberry-infused water that they have at Yogurtland!) or some combination of them to give some flavor and change it up a little bit.

    That is a good point - I can't stand luke warm water, but LOVE it ICE ICE cold. Try different temperatures.
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    Uhm no you can't count your soda pop as water...a home brewed cup of tea maybe. Try doing an electrolyte drink watered down like half gatorade and half water...but no, not pop. Meleleaca makes a great on the go electrolyte packet called sustainx. Try that...better than aspartame.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Grab a glass of water when you are thirsty and you'll be fine. No other being on this planet plans water consumption except humans! I don't see the rest falling over dead from dehydration.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Try adding something to it for flavor. Easy addition that may shock you ... add a couple of cucumber slices to a full glass of water - it adds flavor and gives the water a refreshing flavor. You can try other easy additions - natural ones - to avoid the sugars, high fructose corn syrup, etc.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Pop is SO bad for you, if you absolutely cannot drink plain water, I would try flavored water, or unsweetened fruit juice.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    wow...note to self-never post here again. Vultures much? My first post, trying to make an effort, just new to the site and such a warm welcome-assumptions, rude comments derived from not properly reading my post or from thin air. Thanks to those who genuinely tried to help, and especially for my sis for vouching for me as I have a job where I can't doddle around on this forum all day or people lose their homes. wow...just wow. Warm and fuzzy welcome :(
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    wow...note to self-never post here again. Vultures much? My first post, trying to make an effort, just new to the site and such a warm welcome-assumptions, rude comments derived from not properly reading my post or from thin air. Thanks to those who genuinely tried to help, and especially for my sis for vouching for me as I have a job where I can't doddle around on this forum all day or people lose their homes. wow...just wow. Warm and fuzzy welcome :(

    sorry you had such a bad response to your first post. :( Generally, people are very supportive.

    I think that the whole pop consumption thing must be a hot issue or something. So is water consumption. I've never been good at drinking water. I would go for days without ever having even one glass, I drank mostly coffee, so I know that coffee does not 'dehydrate' you. Otherwise I would have been in big trouble! :)~ Maybe it's a diuretic for people who aren't used to it, but once your body gets used to it, it certainly isn't. There are times, occasionally that it does make me pee a lot, but that's rare.

    Anyhow, I've been really trying hard to get more water in...I know how hard it can be. Especially if the water isn't good tasting. I've found also that I do much better drinking room temperature water than cold. A lot of people add flavors of sort to their water, I found that lemon flavoring is nice, but I don't take the time to do that any more. I'm now up to about 40-60oz a day. It's getting easier, but it's still something I have to work at.

    I do know that any food and drink (even if it's pop) will hydrate you to a certain degree, but plain old water is still the best because your body doesn't have to *do* anything to it before it uses it, you know?

    Hang in there, try and up your water intake just a little tiny bit at a time. maybe add an extra glass a day once a week or something.

    My doctor said something interesting to me yesterday, she said that she was at a health fair and spoke to a lot of people who had lost a lot of weight, and she was asking them what their secret was, and she told me that the ONE common denominator between every one of them was lots of water. She told me she's lucky if she gets 16oz a day herself, so she knows its hard to do! :)~
  • katymae
    katymae Posts: 8
    Don't worry, you are not the only one! I also hate water! Sort of makes me nauseous. Really, you consume much more water in a day than you think. There is water in all foods, especially in fruits and vegetables. Honestly, I do not drink water except after I work out or if I'm running around at work (I'm a nurse). I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda. I am not dehydrated at all. I have experimented with making myself "chug" water for weeks, and I just end up feeling gross. Your body will tell you if you need water, you will crave it. If you are not craving water, chances are you are not dehydrated.
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