Losing It Week 3

Hey yall sorry about this but I really am having a hard time at home...but I'm doing my best to keep this going!!!

Week 3:
Health Challenge: Cardio 3 times this week
Personal Challenge: No fighting with family!!!!


  • GettingThin08
    Hey yall sorry about this but I really am having a hard time at home...but I'm doing my best to keep this going!!!

    Week 3:
    Health Challenge: Cardio 3 times this week
    Personal Challenge: No fighting with family!!!!
  • Mimiche
    Hope things get better at home GettingThin08!!

    I had a terrible day today and yesterday, I mean they were good becuase I drank, ate pizza, was hungover and ate all day :smile: Bad, but oh so good.
    I'm not even going to think about logging it or weighing myself until I get some workouts done lol.

    Healthy Challange: More strength training/toning in workout, not soley cardio.
    Personal Challenge: Not feel soooo guilty after eating some bad food, seriously, its not THAT big of a deal!

    Lets do this thang together!
  • cinrosier
    I hope everything gets better for you at home. If you need to talk we are all here.
    Weight 219.6
    neck 14
    chest 45
    upper arm 17
    waist 40.5
    hips 49.5
    thigh 31.
    Good luck to everyone this week. One step at a time.
    health Challenge. Workout 4 tmes this week
    Personal Challenge Keep a good food Diary and personal diary.

    I cleaned out my room and kitchen this weekend and threw a bunch of crap out that always helps me to feel better and want to do good things.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I hope things get better for you!!

    Yeswterday, I had a eat-what-you-want day, so I know I went WAY over. But, I feel confident that I've worked out enough that yesterday won't make a huge impact.

    Health Challenge: Workout four times this week - cardio on all days, strength training two of the four days
    Personal Challenge: CLEAN! I live with my boyfriend, but I visit my mother's house frequently. My room there is still packed with stuff that I throw in there sometimes and/or stuff that I moved when I was moving out. I just need to go through it and throw stuff away instead of hoarding. :laugh: I also have a lot of paperwork left over from my old job . . . I'd really like to get rid of the things I no longer need from there.

    Goodluck you guys. :smile: I'm anxious to weigh-in tomorrow. I haven't done any measurements, but . . . hey . . . isn't our mini-goal deadline tomorrow?!
  • laine23
    Well, thanx for keeping up with us gettingthin08 :flowerforyou:

    Fitnesschallenge: 3 workouts
    Personal: Write 10 pages for my book.
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Health Challenge: 3 Cardio workouts this week
    Personal Challenge: Don't go overboard on Thanksgiving, and make one of my workouts on Thanksgiving day!

    Good Luck everyone!
  • happy_feet
    happy_feet Posts: 175 Member
    Hey hope things are better for u now amanda... take care..:flowerforyou:

    Well I have lost around 3lbs in the last week nad this thread acts like a nice reminder to stick to my healthy lifestyle... Sorry abtnot being able to post much, but I am stickin to this challenge very honestly.:smile:

    Personal challenge I'll modify a lil: dat'll make it same as last week's but I need to do it! Stop fightin wid my Love... be more understandin..

    somehw i find the personal challenges tougher than d physical ones...:ohwell:

    Wht ya guys say abt this?
  • laurabelle25
    Well, I've been outta it this last week. I just said skrew it basically. Last monday I not only found out that I got laid off from my job, but that my dad had cancer. Ya, not the best day. But really I only skrewed up last weekend....ate terrible, drank a butt load, and didn't exercise at all last week. But I'm glad to say i've put my emotional craziness aside and am ready to get back to business. I weighed myself this morning and it said i gained 5 lbs overnight...so i know that's not right. probably holding in some water weight b/c of all the beer and salty foods.

    Anyway....stay strong everyone! And keep up the good work!
  • Mimiche
    Ack, November has been a horrible month!!
    My mom just sent me a box of goodies today! Im usually really good with not eating unhealthy food becuase I don't buy any but when it's sent to me?
    I froze them today hoping I wouldn't indulge as much, though I already had a cinamon bun lathered in butter :embarassed:
    But the scale still said I maintained, and I'm still an even 107. But I wanted to lose 2 pounds, so thats roughly .5 a pound a week. Should be easy, so don't snack on the baking!!

    Gotta go to the gym now and work off that butter and bun!!
    Good luck girls with 'Losing It!':heart:
  • happy_feet
    happy_feet Posts: 175 Member
    Hows everyone doin on this one?? I will weigh myself tomorrow n let ya all know..

    Have been doin ok-ok this week...have eaten dinner n dosed off immediately last nite... was dead asleep widin a few secs:yawn:
    other days i have managed to have a coupla hours after i eat n before i sleep...watched movies, read novels, strolled dwn d road..:happy:

    Lets see tomorrow!!

    Fingers crossed!! :tongue:
  • GettingThin08
    I'm so sorry yall but I'm gonna have to stop Losing It for a little while...Its too hard with all the problems thats going on!!!
  • Mimiche
    Aww.. Hope things get better for you GettingThin08, but its probably good to take a breather and relax and deal with some issues! Good luck, we'll be here when you get back! :heart:
  • cinrosier
    I am out of town this week and cant get to a scale and a measuring tape. I hope everyone is doing fine.