***Newbie***Turbo Fire & Chalean Xtreme

SShyladyB Posts: 12
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I am new and my name is Rita. I am a Chalean junkie. I am using Turbo Fire and Chalean Xtreme for workouts, along with walking, jogging, and stationary biking. I am having trouble with how to eat to lose. I keep seeing different caloric intake numbers for what I want to achieve. I need to know the real caloric intake limit for my weightloss. I weigh 173lbs and I am trying to reach 130. Help!! I need realistic numbers here!


  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    Did you look at the nutrition guide that came with the programs? They're pretty awesome! I too am a Chalene junkie! :)
  • Welcome! Nice to meet you!!
    I am a Chalean junkie too!!! I am currently doing TurboFire and Brazil ButtLift... I am doing them together cuz I just couldnt give up my TurboFire, but wanted to switch things up alittle! I am soooo addicted to TurboFire...lol

    I am having trouble figuring out the whole calorie thing too...I dont know what to do to lose..Like today I burned 818 cals with my workouts so MFP is telling me I need like 2000 calories today and I am having a VERY hard time wrapping my brain around such a high calorie intake! Just seems counter productive to eat soooo much to me...but maybe thats why I am busting my butt and not losing...I am 5'2" 160 lbs and I am trying to get to 130 as well!! Sorry I'm not much help with the numbers...Hope someone can give you some help....
  • SShyladyB
    SShyladyB Posts: 12
    Actually, I just took time out to look at the nutrition guide today, Lol!
  • SShyladyB
    SShyladyB Posts: 12
    That's ok, at least you are honest. Thanx for asking to be my friend. Maybe we can reach our goal together. The biggest thing is not to stress about weight loss. Relax, breathe, and go for it. I did the first day of Turbo Fire & Chalean Xtreme Hybrid today, it was 40 Stretch. Very relaxing at the end. Tomorrow comes the real work...whew tired just thinkin about it. No pain no gain tho :~)
  • SShyladyB
    SShyladyB Posts: 12
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • meganmac21
    meganmac21 Posts: 21 Member
    This may help you, it's been helping me: Ok, so you may already know this, but I didn't 3 weeks ago: One pound of fat = 3,500 calories. So, if you want to lose, say, 2 lbs per week, you would need to have a 7,000 calorie deficit for the week. How can you achieve this deficit? Look up your BMR (different websites give you different answers, but I found the one on MFP to be most accurate). Your BMR = the number of calories your body would burn if you did nothing, but rest all day. Once you know your BMR, multiply it by 7, and add that number to the avg number of calories you burn per week (exercise calories only). My BMR is 1,990 calories, so I burn 13,930 calories per week resting + I burn about 3,000 calories per week walking. So, my weekly BMR + exercise calories for the week = 16,930 calories.

    Now, I also take into account that everyone burns other calories daily just doing regular everyday activities, so I factor those into my week as well (my everyday activity calories are about 300 per day, so 2,100 calories per week). That's just an estimate I use because I read on a few different sites that if I were sedentary I should add 300 calories to my BMR. So, that number may be off, but it's been working for me so far.

    SO, in order to lose 2 lbs of fat per week (which I have been doing), I can consume 12,030 calories per week which is 7,000 calories less than 19,030 cals (weekly BMR + weekly "everyday cals" + weekly exercise cals). So, to achieve this, I try to eat no more than 1,750 calories a day, unless I burn more than my expected number of exercise calories.

    So, to lose 2lbs per week, input your numbers here: (( BMR + avg daily exercise cals + avg "everyday activity" cals ) * 7 days) - 7,000 cals. Once you have that number divide it by 7 and you have your daily intake calorie goal.

    Note: As your weight decreases, so will your BMR, so you will need to recalculate your daily intake calorie goal as you lose weight.

    I hope this helps. Best of luck :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SShyladyB
    SShyladyB Posts: 12
    Thank you so much! I went by Chalean's plan and it told me to multiply it by 10. Why do you say multiply by 7?
  • ChirishGirl
    ChirishGirl Posts: 111
    Hey there! I'm Kim and am on week 2 of Chalean Xtreme. Would love to keep up with how other people are doing on it and other things to give it a boost. Currently I follow this program 6 days and get a pretty decent walk in 5-7 days a week. I'm finding I can actually do a whole lot more than I thought. But I think my glitch is eating the right calorie balance - learned a lot this week in some of the posts on MFP. I'm scared as hell of Turbo Fire, but kinda leaning toward getting it too.

    Best of luck to you - feel free to add me if you want!

  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Nice to meet you Rita- I am a Chalene junkie as well. I started the CLX/TF hybrid yesterday (May 2) and I just love it. I am wanting to lose about 20 pounds right now, but crossing my fingers that this works so well that I can go even further. We can do this together:wink:
  • meganmac21
    meganmac21 Posts: 21 Member
    I go with 7 because there are 7 days in the week; however, I just realized that if you multiply your BMR by 10 and then subtract 7,000 calories from that, you get a similar number to what you get with the method that I'm using. The difference between the two methods for me is about 100 calories per day (my method being 100 less). Her method also seems less complicated : p which is nice.

    You should go with whichever method works better for you though. If you are meeting your goal weight each week, then indulge in those few extra calories that you're allotted using Chalene's method. Also, keep in mind, I'm no expert, I've just been going with what has been working for me.

    Best of luck :)
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