Gaining weight again

Hello Everyone,
Yes its hard for me to admit but have gained twenty pounds back since July of this year. Guess
i got to big for my britches( no pun intended) after losing almost fifty pounds that i stopped paying attention to diet was feeling so good about myself. Getting compliments ,buying new clothes sz. 12-14 compared to 20-22 which are getting really tight on me. So sure could use some friends for encouragement ... Thanks Emma


  • jbs2travel
    jbs2travel Posts: 68 Member
    Don't feel too badly. I was down 80 lbs and regained 55!! I am back on here again - doing what I know needs to be done. It's not easy, but I did it before - as did you - and we can do it again. - Jackie
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    I had regained about 20 last year during a couple of depressing months but realized that being overweight was more depressing!!! I'm not on here everyday but feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited December 2014
    Working my way down from 250 for the SECOND time here and this time I have made it back down to 215 which is a 20 year low for me. This time I am working to learn the physical and emotional reasons my body wants to be fat because conscientiously I sure do not want to be fat. Carbs for some reason keeps calling for more carbs it seems for some reason in my case. Getting my physical pain from arthritis under control with diet is helping and as the weight comes off that further reduces joint pain. Still working to understand the subconscientious side but made some headway yesterday from a web PDF of a short book on reasons the body wants to be fat. At my age I have to stop yo yoing because being fat is going to kill my body before its time. I am also telling my subconscious mind that sugar is poison and will kill it. Traditional dieting for 40 years has only left me fatter each time for some reason and against my conscious wishes.
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    I understand carrying the xtra pounds is very hard on arthritic joints can really tell the difference with my twenty pound gain. Keep going strong will both lose as a team.Feel free to add as a friend. Emma
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks to my new friends for their encouragement. Heres to a new healthier ,slimmer me for 2015. Emma
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    I have gained back 8lbs over the last 12 months which doesn't sound like much but I feel that I'm on the slippery slope back to being fat. I've been given loads of chocolate as Christmas presents and I just can't stop myself from eating them. I feel really anxious about the weight piling back on and need to find the strength that I had in 2012 when I lost all my weight.
    Good luck to you all on this never ending battle.
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    I understand at my office every visitor were so nice and got me boxes of candy which was fine i don't care for chocolate thank goodness just gave all away. My downfall is eating to much protein give me a steak over sweets Emma
  • Agdaniels
    Agdaniels Posts: 3 Member
    I know it hard gaining weight so fast I have gain 10 extra pounds in addition to the 20 I want to lose. Hang in there pace your self and let's get back on track
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for encouragement I know it's so hard getting started again but i'm determined and good luck to you also... Emma
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I lost 40 pounds on here over 2 years when I had more time for exercise and logging. Most of it was lost slowly and healthily. I finally am now fully employed but with 2 jobs and I gained 30 of those pounds back. I lost some this fall but am up after Christmas again. I have been working hard to find a way to fit in the exercise with my schedule. I need another day of it still. I am also working to adjust calories given more sedentary work. I have logged through the loss and the gains. My one consolation is that if I lose this time I will have lost it when it is the hardest for me when I am busy with a difficult schedule. Last time I had more time for exercise and it wasn't easy but it was easier. If I eat too few calories I stall out so I have to do this slowly.
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    That is what happened with me i got to comfortable with myself. Gave myself a pat on my back for weight loss but didn't keep up with losing. So determined to get back on track one day at a time...Emma
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    I sit a lot at work having a desk job, but when i get off love turning on music and dance best excercise for me. ps my dogs look at me like i'm nuts but getting used to Emma
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    i will be turning 65 this May can honestly say i don't feel my age dancing makes me feel younger and better i think more than going to a excercise place. Maybe when i get a little smaller won't feel so bad about myself and who knows maybe i will meet someone special..Emma
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I used to love to do this too. Just dance and it is so simple. Don't need to have a club membership or anything. I am going to be turning 62 this year. I have the zumba DVDs but that adds a few more steps and hurdles to the process. Unfortunate I don't think it will show up on my fitbit well.
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    Best practice is a routine. I'm at goal doing maintenance...yet through the holidays, I've eaten like I was dying. Main thing is to assess, make a plan, and get back into the routine. I will weigh a minimum of 1X a month and if I'm more than 5 pounds over goal, it's time to dial it back.

    I don't understand how people "accidentally" gain back 30, 40, 50 pounds. My clothes would be the first indicator. If we work so hard to lose, who would want to lose is all again? It's hard enough the first time.

    Focus and routine...that will get you back to goal.
  • emma48209
    emma48209 Posts: 24 Member
    Believe me it was no accident gaining back 20 lbs. but i did so i can either feel sorry for myself or get my butt back in gear and get going again...Emma
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    I lost 40 and then gained about 20 back in a matter of a few months of battling with depression. Getting myself back on track myself :)