log the exercise

maximusmuscle Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I was wondering are you suppose ro log the calories burn from the exercise if I want to gain muscle weight?


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    yep. You are still using effort, so you need to refuel for that used effort. then eat more to gain mass.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Log it under "Strength Training" if you're just lifting.
  • Uncle Ted Here,

    When you're trying to lose weight it's counter-intuative (my spelling is not great but my degree is in economics and not english) to eat more. Enter your calorie burn as best as you can and eat your calories. Here's the simple formula for success:

    Eat six small meals a day.

    Eat the calories you've earned (MFP is a good application.....trust it).

    Get 8 hours of sleep.

    Give your body 6-10 weeks to adjust to a change in diet/exercise and stick with your program.

    Make this a lifestyle change not a short term gimmick.

    You'll add the muscle and lose the weight. If it takes 2 years, so what.

    The Great White Buffalo is behind you. (Nugent reference for head bangers that care).

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