Starting now...not after new years

Looking for some people to help hold each other accountable; set some goals together; compete with one another; and just support one another. Any takers?


  • mistpenn
    Hello! I'll take you up on your offer! I just started today! My goal is to get off my blood pressure meds and at let get to 200lbs by my anniversary!
  • fixmyself
    Same here! Today has been a good day for me so far :D
  • jodster1504
    I'm starting now too! Motivation doesn't need to wait until january 1st :)
  • ashleyrowlett9
    Yes I started my weight loss journey today! Would love the support!
  • krympmeg22
    krympmeg22 Posts: 20 Member
    Been at it for a while, but going to be more serious about it starting now :D
  • mistpenn
    Iv struggled today but I think I'll be OK if I don't eat anything else this evening but I'm worried about getting my headaches that I get when I don't eat enough...smh
  • amdaless
    amdaless Posts: 12 Member
    I am proud of all of you who started today. I am waiting till after New Years just because I made that my goal to start again. Weight is the highest it's ever been. So you are all an inspiration to me. Thanks for being there. Looking forward to losing with you. My hubby did it w/ my help and is managing to keep it off. He is one of those people though once he sets his mind to something that is it. I say he is like a "dog with a bone." I however am a stress eater and revert to bad habits. Perhaps this time w/ us all we shall succeed. :)
  • mistpenn
    My sister n law has lost 45lbs since June when she started. So bi told her I would give it try. I'm really tired of being overweight
  • paimled
    paimled Posts: 2 Member
    this is exactly what I'm looking for! I'd love to get healthy and strong with y'all
  • Spiritwarrior2000
    Spiritwarrior2000 Posts: 16 Member
    Its always best to live in the now, especially starting now!
  • krympmeg22
    krympmeg22 Posts: 20 Member
    I ate off the half the roof of my gingerbread house today when i was stressed >.< (lol) Tomorrow is a new day though, and I feel very motivated now. Look forward to losing with you guys :)
  • themomwhocan
    me too! i'm ready. I've been trying to lose the baby weight for almost 3 years. It's time.
  • mandylenk
    mandylenk Posts: 6 Member
    me too! I just reset my weight on here, tomorrow is go day!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Tomorrow I jump start my fitness plan. I will exercise each morning this week.
  • ReallyHappilyMarried
    ReallyHappilyMarried Posts: 9 Member
    edited December 2014
    I need someone to be accountable to as well so please feel free to add me. I am just starting over today as well. I need to lose a lot of weight, about 100lbs, so I could use as much support and motivation as possible.
  • energize2015
    energize2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi There! I am I started today as well, rather than wait for the New Year. My goal is two fold...lose 15 pounds and get stronger and also get healthy and be mindful of what I am eating, and how it can support my health. I have had a multitude of chronic health issues over these last three years, spending the holidays in the hospital. So, I want a comprehensively emotionally healthy and physically fit my daughters are grown, and I have taken care of them and so many others in my life, now it is my time..I guess the Universe has been trying to tell me that for the last few THANK YOU guys for the support! I am excited...for us all!
  • Hello all, me too - why not start now! :-)
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    I have also started my journey of losing weight and also keeping track of what I eat instead of waiting until January. I mean working towards a positive goal and good health should not wait. I would like to receive and give support and motivation so I would be up for it. I will send you a friend request. Anyone is free to add me if they would like.
  • melanierenee7707
    melanierenee7707 Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2014
    No need to wait until the new years. LETS GO!! Feel free to add me im also on Fitbit :)